Twenty Six

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~Months Later~

"Oh my god" I record my last line which is going to be used at the ending of Gypsy Blood "what have I done?" Just like at the end of Gypsy Blood, the movie is going to end in a cliffhanger. The producers are trying something new and risky, a reverse harem movie series. Luckily I managed to get this movie done after my tour ended. All my scenes only required people in human form, it took months to do the lighting and tech work.

"That was amazing" the director tells me, after that I go to Rocque Records to record my next few songs. After I spend an hour in therapy for my attack, it's been slow but I'm able to allow men to touch me without going into a panic. It's been a long few months, also Bella nearly died which is another thing. Yeah a nomad tried to kill Bella because of Edward...I've come to the conclusion that no Swan—human or bird—is safe near him. She survived sadly, but she went back to Forks since she wants immortality. She knows the truth of Edward's connection to me and my fear of golden eyes and she is telling me to let the past go, that Edward is a changed man and that he won't hurt me or Dante. She wants Rosalie and Esme to be apart of Dante's life, help raise him but that's a big no. He's my son. Not hers. She can have another kid and let them dote on her then.

"Mommy" Dante points to me as we enter the Palm Woods, after a long time I was left alone again since Deckard and Owen installed a security system and they made sure the Palm Woods was safe for me and Dante.

"That's right" nodding my head "I'm mommy" I then see the guys "guys?" Big Time Rush went on their first tour like me over the summer but unlike them I arrived back home a couple weeks ago.

They turn around seeing me well not Kendall since he's on the ground with a frozen expression. "Lily" they come over and hug me, I give them brief hugs.

"Why is Kendall" I point to Kendall

"We saw Jo with some man" James tells me

"Why don't we go to your apartment?" I suggest "so we don't take up more of the lobby" the guys help Kendall up, going over to the elevator.

"How's it been?" Carlos asks

"Doing better" my friends even the ones in Forks know what Paul did, they were all shocked but the ones in Forks. Apparently there was a rumor that Paul did this before but the girl moved away so no one knows.

"Your not" James asks "you know?"

"No" shaking my head as his friends give him a look "I'm not pregnant, I was given the morning after pill" along with a cocktail of drugs to prevent any infections or anything like that.

Once we're back in the crib, Mrs. Knight and Katie greet them happy to see them. Sitting down at the table beside Logan as he freaks out, Dante is in my lap smiling and pointing to the homework.

"Yeah" nodding my head "a lot"

"The quiet was nice" Mrs. Knight tells them pulling out corn dogs from the oven "but I did miss my boys" she gives Carlos the corn dogs to which he freaks out about.

"How can you be happy?" Logan demands waving to the homework "look at all the work we have to do!"

"I am impressed" Katie says "you aren't more freaked out"

He stands up throwing papers everywhere "You mean like this?"

"Weren't you given this homework over the tour?" I ask "or told that you'd be given homework?" Shaking their heads no "Kelly should have been told, the same thing happened in Total Drama: Action and Total Drama: World Tour. Also ASAPA rules state that you guys can't perform in any concerts or anything until this is all done—so you could get an extension if you explain what happened"

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