Twenty Two

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"Okay" I'm going through the aisle looking for the spicy Italian sausage that only the grocery store down in La Push sells. When I turn a corner I bump into someone "I am so sorry" seeing that Kim "Kim right?"

"Yeah" nodding her head "and it's alright I wasn't looking either, your Lily right? Lily Swan" nodding my head "it's a pleasure to meet you, I can't believe I'm talking to a star right now"

Chuckling "You go to La Push High right?" I ask as I move my grocery cart, I see she has her own cart filled with a lot of food "woah that's a lot of food"

"I know" she agrees with me "and yeah, I'm a senior...I'm not eating all of this" she motions to the food "I'm getting them with a friend"

"Party?" I ask

"No" shaking her head "more like she has a very hungry boyfriend who goes through food like that" snapping her fingers "but he works out a lot"

Dante gets fussy and so I put a pacifier in his mouth which he sucks, I'm thinking he's going to be like his father Dead Dante. Dead Dante when I fucked him was very into my boobs and liked to fuck them a lot but also he liked it rough. I'm calling him Dead Dante since he's dead.

"Your baby is very adorable" she says

"Thanks" smiling as I see the sausages "found them, I've been looking for these" Charlie is having me cook dinner, saying that he wants a home cooked meal since he's been eating out too much. I hate Bella since she smiles brightly ordering me what to make. I'm close to calling Deckard and asking him to kill Charlie and Bella.

"Hey Kim" I see that Emily Young appear with some snacks, Emily is Sam's girlfriend who he left his fiancée and Emily's cousin for. I hate cheaters. Only consolation is that her face is scarred up "oh, hello—your Lily right" she smiles brightly at me "it's nice to meet you, Paul talks about you a lot"

"Why would he talk about me?" I ask

Shrugging her shoulders as she realizes her mistake about something "Look at the baby" I stop her from going near my baby.

"We'll" Kim says "see you around Lily, have a nice day" they leave and I shake my head looking at Dante who just sucks on the pacifier.

~A Week Later~

I walk outside of the Swan House in slightly warm clothes—a black crop top with a black lace bra and lace thong, fishnet leggings with black ripped jeans over them, black combat boots and a ripped jean jacket that is open to expose my midriff—since it's kind of chilly out but I'm use to the cold since Chris and his stupid games caused me to be! Dante is babbling in my arms. My car is having its oil changed and so I need to ride with Bella to school. We're going to school early since Bella is going to fuck someone, she ever goes to school early like an hour to give a blowie or whatever.

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