Twenty One

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"Hey baby" mom and I talk over the phone as I finish my homework "if spring training goes well, we could be moving to Florida. So I'll be bringing Bella away from you sooner"

"Please insert" an operator asks "a dollar twenty five for an additional five minutes"

"What happened to your phone mom?" I ask amused since mom and technology don't mix. Ever.

"Don't laugh" she begs "I didn't lose my power cord, it ran screaming. I now officially repeal technology"

"I miss you"

"I miss you too baby, not how are things with Bella?" She asks "I know you girls don't get along and you don't have to deal with her for too long plus I spoke with Deckard and got an air bnb in Seattle so if you want you can stay with him"

"It's alright" I tell her "she's close with Charlie more so than I am"

"That sounds good" she says "and how are you doing? Those Cullens?"

"The meds are helping" I tell her "I just want this movie done so that I could leave, I mean there isn't something right with that family. I mean they never interact with people, they just watch like we're their own little entertainment"

"Let me guess" she asks "Charlie doesn't see them as bad people since they don't cause trouble" even though mom is a gold digger, she knows me.


"I know you haven't had good father and only see Deckard as a father, much to my dismay" she says "I'm glad you have a father figure like Deckard in your life, even though he's a very dangerous man"

"I know"

"Now enough about the weirdness of those Cullens" she says "how's my grandbaby?"

"Fat and chubby" I answer

Mom laughs "I remember when you were that age too and were fat and chubby, Bella I worried for"

"Why?" I ask

"As a baby she didn't want to eat much" so even as a child she was anorexic "the doctor told me to give her formula at different times so that she could get bigger"

"You know she's anorexic right?" I ask

Mom sighs "It's a miracle Rowan and Crimson" even though Bella has no contact with her children, mom does. Bella last year had a son and daughter who the father and his wife named Rowan and Crimson "were even born"

"I picture Bella as a crazy cat lady" mom laughs cause it's true, Bella doesn't have good social skills. She knows how to fuck but when it comes down to an actual human conversation she's horrible at those "mom? Did Bella mention the Cullens?"

"I haven't spoken to her yet" mom says "I wanted to hear your voice first, I know it doesn't seem it or how I've presented myself over the years but your my favorite since your more like me in not staying in a shell like Bella. Your making something of yourself and I'm very proud of you" smiling as I wipe away the tears that fall hearing that.

"thanks mom" I say

"Of course, now what's wrong with Bella?" She asks "did the Cullens do something to her?"

"More like the other way around" I say "one of them, she managed to enrage. He wanted to know how soon until Bella leaves town"

"Really?" She asks "I'll ask her about it but you know Bella, she won't give me any answers"

"Alright" I say "I've got to go, tired. Night"

"Night" we hang up and I look at Dante who is asleep in the old crib of mine that Charlie kept. Charlie isn't happy that his daughter got pregnant as a teenager, he will act it but he isn't. Maybe if it was Bella since Bella can't do wrong in his eyes, I however being a former criminal will always be guilty in his eyes. The multimillion dollars I have? He doesn't believe I deserved it, thinks of me as a thief. Dom not in prison? He thinks I'm a dangerous person. It's a reason I don't have many of my things here since this is temporary and Charlie likes it that way. He won't voice it but that is how he feels. Mom doesn't care, she knows Dom and knows how good of a role model he's been in my life—sure she's had to accommodate to Bella but hearing her now and how proud she is of me means a lot. She isn't as close minded as Charlie "soon Dante" I lie down on the twin bed, moving my arm to brush my finger against my son's cheek "you and I will be gone, we'll be back in LA"

~Next Day~

"Look Dante" I brought Dante to First Beach down in La Push, show him what nature has to offer "now remember, its important that we respect nature and—what is that god wet awful dog smell?" Looking around to see a soccer ball about to hit my head, holding Dante close protectively I duck.

"Sorry!" Looking over I see three shirtless guys. Sam's cult. I know about them. That Sam looks at me expectantly but I don't know why. I should have known it was them, I don't know why but whenever I'm wearing this ring I got in Egypt which is nearly always those three smell horrible. While the Cullens smell sweet, not too sweet but sweet. Like a rotten sweet.

Handing Paul the ball, he stares at me "Hi Lily"

"Paul" being nice enough "isn't it cold?"

He smiles shaking his head "No,'s the movie?"

"Good" nodding my head, since the setting of the school is La Push High he's seen me act and smiles brightly before clapping loudly making me feel uncomfortable "about another month maybe two and we'll be done then I'll finish up school here and then go on my summer tour"

"Maybe" he suggests "we could go to a movie or something when your done shooting?"

Shaking my head no "That's kind of you but no" also I know he fucked Bella long ago when we visited Charlie once when we were fourteen, it was the summer and it was when mom and Phil first met. Well I don't date Bella's leftovers mainly because what kind of person are they if they managed to fall for Bella "I'm going to be spending that time with my mom's ex boyfriend"

He looks disgusted and confused "Why?"

"Because I see him more as my dad than Charlie Swan" I snap adjusting Dante in my arms "I don't him like that"

"I'm sorry" he apologized when I go to leave but he cuts me off "why don't you see Chief Swan as your dad? He's your dad"

"Because I don't have a relationship with him" I say walking away but Paul stays by my side much to my annoyance "nor do I want to pursue one, the only reason I'm staying with him is because my mom encouraged me to give it a try and she now knows that she was wrong to do so"

"Give him a chance" he offers "your dad is a good guy and you should call him dad, he'd probably like you more if you do"

I stop to look at him "Get the fuck away from me"

Hurt flashes through him "But..."

"You don't know me" shaking my head "and if you did you'd know that if I don't want to do something you can't force me" going into my car after putting Dante in the car seat I leave. 

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