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Moaning against Alejandro's mouth as he has me pressed up against the shower wall where there are no cameras because in my contract that I had made—Chris can't show when I'm using the bathroom or naked, pulling away I make it clear "An itch, this" motioning to the two of us "is an itch that needs to be scratched"

"But of course" he kisses me and I grab his pants undoing them, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Oh fuck" my voice is raspy as Alejandro sucks and kisses one spot on my neck that I love.


"Two weeks of building sexual tension" I explain to the camera as I'm in the extra confession by Chris and Chef who are in the driving seats  "I was minutes no seconds away from jumping on anyone" looking over at Chris "I blame you"

He looks my way chuckling "I'm sorry? How am I responsible for your horny nature?"

"Because you know" I point my finger at him "how much I love sex and that I always fuck at least one person to help with the itch and Alejandro is walking sex machine"

"Girls got a point" Chef agrees with me, mainly because I gave him a million dollars before this for consolation when I left last season and revealing the secret alliance but also to tell me what I need to know.

"Oh shut it" Chris argues

Looking back to the camera "Good thing I brought a lot of condoms, I plan when we head to Italy"

"How do you know we're going to Italy?" Chris demands

I pull out my contract that he takes "It's in my contract that I know what countries we go to, I don't know the challenges but I do know the countries so I am prepared for the weather conditions" tapping my chin "now what was I saying? Oh" snapping my fingers "Alejandro" shaking my head smiling "between him and Duncan" biting my lip shaking my head smiling "Alejandro knows what he's doing. So after this season, ladies if you ever encounter him you'll be very happy after"


"Fuck" holding onto Alejandro as he thrusted in and out of me while I held onto something in the shower. There's a knock on the door "Who is it?"

"When will you be done?" Heather demands


"She's got it bad for Alejandro too, but she's refusing to admit it" shrugging my shoulders "at least I'm doing something about that itch I have"


When Alejandro and I leave, Heather glares at us "Really?! This is a bathroom!" She yells as I roll my eyes going back to first class.

Tori looks my way as I sit down next to her, I'm shocked that she lasted this long on the show "Did you and Alejandro" she asks

"An itch" I explain as I lie back

Through the coms we hear Chris "Attention" silence before he screams and the plane jostled. We all start to scream.

"He's evil!" Tori yells hugging me

"No kidding!" I scream as I hold onto my seat closing my eyes tightly.


"How is it" I demand looking between Chris and Chef "you managed to blow a season's worth of gas on what?"

"Chris work" Chef explains

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