Twenty Seven

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~Throne Room~

The kings are on their thrones as they see Jane watching some tv show she's obsessed with, she's the only one not paying attention. No one is saying no since when they tried to keep Jane from watching one episode she used her power on high destroying that vampire. She then watches the one episode playing it back before turning to the kings.

"Jane" Aro asks "why don't you pull up that reality show your so involved with"

Jane pulls it up on the big screen tv that is brought into the throne room, when she plays the episode from the beginning they see Ezekiel. "Whose that?" Caius asks

"Ezekiel" before continuing with the episode she tells everyone each and every character and what she knows.

"It's scary" Caius whispers as Jane plays the episode "seeing Jane act like a teenager" many agree with his statement.

They watch the episode where Lilith is in Niagara Falls, Demetri finds her very beautiful. More beautiful than any woman he's ever met. Vampire or human.

"Oh come on" Alejandro complains to Lilith.


"Why doesn't she want me?" Alejandro demands on the toilet seat "I mean you've seen me! Why doesn't Lilith want me? I'm good looking! I speak four other languages! My father is a diplomat! I'm a male model! We'd become the ultimate power couple!"

Demetri growls hearing how this human is talking about wanting Lilith, the others look his way and are curious as to why he's so enraged since they've never seen him be this enraged before.

They watch as Lilith falls from the air vent and locks the door "I'm not going to be with Alejandro because he only cares about fame. This is what I want in a man...not one who only cares about fame. I want a meaningful relationship plus I have a son to think about, I don't want my son to think that fame is what he should only focus about. Plus I'm not having anymore children, pushed one kid out of my hoo ha I don't need to push another. Dante if your watching know mommy loves you so much"

"She has a son?" Demetri asks

Jane nods her head not paying attention to him while the kings are "Her son's name is Dante Geoffrey Swan. Geoffrey for her grandfather and Dante after the boy's father who is dead"

"Sister?" Alec asks "do you stalk this human?"

"Does knowing about her hair color, eye and height with weight counting how many men she's slept with, what size tampon she buys" Jane asks Alec "along with her impeccable dental records and knowing that she is currently at the St. Marcus day festival with her son Dante mean I'm stalking her?" Alec raises his eyebrow at his sister.

"How many men has she slept with?" Demetri asks through a growl clenching his hands.

"About twenty five" Demetri growls more at the number of men that have touched her "it would be more but something must have happened during the shoot of Little Prayer for You because she's instead been going to therapy and takes medication for PTSD"

Before Aro could ask Demetri to look for Lilith, the doors open and in comes Edward Cullen. "Ah! A visitor!"

"What do you want?" Caius demands recognizing the Cullen, everyone does.

"I've come to die" he says. Because the door was open, Dante who managed to get away from Lilith when she autographed different things.

"Why is there a baby here?" Caius demands

Jane gasps "That's Dante Swan, Lilith's son"

Dante looks at Demetri and Marcus sees a parent and child bond between the two "Up" Dante motions, Demetri picks the boy up as Lilith runs in.

"Dante" Lilith goes over to Dante not realizing where she is or they Edward's here "you shouldn't have run off"

Dante points to Demetri "Dada"

"Sorry" Lilith takes Dante from him "thanks for catching my son" she goes to leave but Demetri stops her as Marcus sees the mate bond. He holds his hand up and Aro takes it seeing that his suspicion was right.

"Hello" Lilith looked over but instead of seeing Aro she saw Edward and gasped, they see complete fear go through her as she hides behind Demetri with Dante in her arms.

"Stay away from me" she backs away having Demetri keep them apart.

Edward rolls his eyes "It was fifteen years ago you shouldn't there remembered"

"You tried to kill me!" She snaps "just like you tried to a few months ago, but also my son!"

Demetri looks at him demanding "What is she talking about?" Lilith looks around and sees she's in a room filled with vampire and that she's hiding behind one.

"Oh my god!" Jane screeches running over "Your Lilith Swan! I'm Jane. I am a huge fan!"

"Hi" Lilith nods her head

"Lilith is it?" Aro is before her "might you explain what you mean, please" they hear a snip and see Jane cut some of Lily' hair off. Felix takes his mate's hand pulling her away from Lily who looked around.

"Around March" Lily tells everyone "Edward here tried to get a nomad vampire to kill me and my son since this vampire wanted to kill my sister since she's his singer" everyone looks at Edward "wait your the vampire government aren't you?"

"We are" Aro confirms

"Then why do you let the Cullens live?" She asks "I understand the Denali's but the Cullens? Given how they've exposed your nature countless times, killed one half of a mated pair and left a human alive knowing. Not me but my sister"

"What?" Caius demands

~Lily's POV~

"And now that vampire Victoria is having sloppy kills me left all over La Push and Forks since she's trying to kill my sister" I finish my statement to the vampire government "since she's close to the Cullens but hasn't been able to since a group of wolf shifters have tried to kill me" the only reason I'm in Volterra right now is to be at the festival since I'm given a break from the shoot of Throne of Glass series. After that I'll be doing my world tour starting June near the end. Just like I'll be in Spain in about a year since for season three I won't be appearing in it, we managed to get all the scenes for one and two up and going. The director wants these seasons up and running as soon as possible.

"You bitch" Edward tried to attack me but falls when Jane uses her powers on him. The blonde vampire I'm next to keeps his body before mine.

Aro takes Edward's hand and after some time confirms what I said "This human speaks the truth, the Cullens have committed several great crimes"

"Demetri" The depressed one suggests "take Lilith and her son to your chambers" Demetri leads us to his chambers.

"Dada" Dante points to Demetri

"Sorry about that" I apologize to him, this is the first time Dante has said dad to anyone or at all so I don't know why he's saying it now.

"It's quite alright" he assured me smiling as we arrive to his rooms I think, I smile back "I'll be back"

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