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the audition was in a week, y/n was absolutely nervous that she wouldnt make it that far. she already passed the scouting part but what about actually getting in? plus there would be many dancers there auditioning for the role too so it wasnt like she got an automatic pass.





days passed by and just like that the audition was tomorrow. all her practice, time, and effort, it all came down to this. y/n thought since the past few days shes been working her ass off for the audition, she should let loose today.

y/n: hey yujin wanna go out today? we could go carpooling with yeonjun and drive to the club

yujin: YES taemins also coming but with his friends

she knew yujin would say yes immediately but she wasnt sure yeonjun was available to go.

y/n: yeonjun wanna go out with yujin and i? you can bring your roomies over too if you'd like.

after a few minutes yeonjun finally responded, deep down y/n wanted to just be with yeonjun. 

yeonjun: hell yea! beomgyu and taehyun are coming too

y/n: great !!

she was about to put her phone down when another notif popped on her phone.

yeonjun: hey y/n if im being honest.. i wish it was just us two.

y/n's heart fluttered out of her chest. the past week yeonjun and her have been getting closer even with all the time she spent practicing. sometimes yeonjun would even visit her with treats and energy drinks so she would be able to eat. she really appreciated the guy and sometimes without realizing would think of him at random intervals of the day. even yujin was getting suspicious about their relationship, sometimes they act like more than friends and sometimes they act like normal friends. occasionally yujin would tease y/n in front of yeonjun because this was her first time seeing y/n like this with someone, she was happy for her bestie.

y/n didnt know what to say so she just responded with a simple 'lol' hoping that yeonjun didnt get offended by her awkwardness. 

it was 5 pm and she had to get ready. she wanted to look good for herself and a tad bit for yeonjun too..  she decided to wear something bold, something that she rarely wears. she pulled out a dress that yujin gave her for her 18th birthday, she never wore the dress since she thought it was too 'out there'.  the dress was made out of silk and had a beautiful red tone, it also had a nice leg slit making her look sexy and classy at the same time. she paired the dress with these nice silver heels that has never seen the light of day.

getting her makeup out she decided to go all out. she went for a classic smoky eye with reddish brown eyeshadow, she also put very bold eyeliner to complete the eyes and topped it off with a gradient blood red lip look. 

looking at herself in the mirror, she saw a new different person. before she was a shy and timid girl, who would give up on opportunities because she thought she wasnt good enough for them. but now she has gotten the confidence to do the things she loved which reflected on her look tonight. 

'wow' she thought to herself, she loved her new look and attitude. 

suddenly her phone buzzed, yujin was already outside ready to pick her up.

'y/n hurry your ass up its almost happy hour !!' yujin yelled through the phone, y/n looked at the time and it was already 6:35.

quickly y/n got her things and left the apartment. yujin saw her best friend and her  jaw dropped immediately.

'holy shit you are hot as fuck' yujin said

y/n couldnt help but laugh, she was happy that yujin loved her look. they then drove off and started blasting music through the speakers, confident by justin bieber started playing and yujin started speeding. usually y/n would scold yujin for going so fast, but this time she had so much fun with the wind blowing through her hair. 

soon enough they arrived at yeonjuns place

'hey y/n you should go up to the door and ring the doorbell'

y/n was confused because she could just call yeonjun to come out.

'why? i have my phone'

yujin just pushed her out the car and locked it. y/n groaned but went with it. 

she went up to the door and rang it. after a few seconds the door opened revealing a very handsome man... yeonjun. 

when he saw y/n in that skin tight dress and amazing makeup, he couldnt help but stare. it was like his heart stopped and time stopped with it. at the time it was just him and her together.

'-um yeonjun? lets go' she snapped him back to reality.

'OH yeah lemme call the other guys.' as he was about to step back inside y/n told him that both gyu and taehyun were already in the car. he was embarrassed by how out of it he was that he didnt even notice the others already going out.

'cmon silly' y/n laughed while grabbing his hand to go in the car.

all of them started to do a little carpool karaoke with different songs playing as they loudly sang along. the streetlights shined brightly as y/n was looking out the car. she was so happy that her stupid little kpop obsession brought her here. with people that she loved.

as they entered the bar, yeonjun pulled y/n aside.

'hey i just wanted to say you look... you look good'

even if it was dimly lit, y/n swore she saw yeonjun blush as he was saying it. she smiled and told him that he looked good too. the two just looked at each other before gyu interrupted. 

'what the fuck are you guys holding a staring contest for.' he teased

yeonjun pushed the young boy and entered the club. music was blasting and there were many people who were drinking and smoking. y/n knew she wasnt going to get intoxicated because a really bad hangover could be detrimental to her audition. so she just watched from the sidelines as her friends went on and got drinks. 

after a few hours, she saw her friends get all nasty drunk, all except taehyun.

'youre not wasted?' she asked 

'nah im too much of a heavyweight.' he responded

y/n kind of found him a little quiet, maybe he just isnt very familiar with her yet.  so she just walked her own way. she found herself attracted to the dance floor, many people were dancing very inappropriately with each other.. and she kind of wanted to do that too. so she walked up and danced on her own.

'hey drunk dazed' a familiar voice called to her.

'JAKE?? YOURE HERE?' she screams

he laughs and says 'well this was the very same club we met no? i come here every so often. anyways do you want to dance again like we did before?' and y/n just nodded

both of them were feeling each other as if no one was there. it wasnt so touchy nor sexual but it still made her feel very flustered.

'you look amazing' he said and she couldnt help but look away smiling. 

'thank you, i just wanted to go out before i audition for some silly little dance thing'

jake raised a brow.

'well thats funny cause our company is holding auditions for backup dancers for our comeback.'

y/n put two and two together and she gasped.

she was auditioning for enhypen... her favourite group... 

'well, i'll see you when you pass, make me proud yea?' jake said then continued dancing with her. 

well this just got interesting... 

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now