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First day at dorms felt the same as the the first day at dorms in Thailand, first day at college as well.

The difference was there was no excitement, there was no joy or high expectations of doing new things.

He remembers the day he arrived to his room sharing it with Joey and Leo, that was the first day in that beta country.

How tiny the room was or how small his locker was were not an issue in Thailand, sharing bathroom with other thirty students was okay to him too, it felt normal.

But it felt like hell here sharing with alphas, the corridors and rooms reeked with pheromones other than sweat and body odors, even in the showers where they are supposed to be washed away.

To Keith it seemed like an alpha can wash away even sins with water and soap but never his pheromones.

To make it even worse for him, his roommate was an alpha too named Ryan. And even though he was a nice alpha but Keith already made up mind about alpha students.

Not only alpha and omega students, but even betas.

People who came back from Thailand were treated differently even from their own kind. They were treated as refugees to some and disgrace to other. The most hurtful was being treated as people who didn't take responsibility, who chose themselves over their people and returned empty handed. War escapers.

For that Keith kept a low profile afraid to be bullied at his old age of 19.

First days were hard, not only to him but to Joey too, they hated the atmosphere around them, how people ignored them or threw faint words at them, 'scum' 'beta whore' 'disgrace'. For Leo is was the opposite, he loved being ignored and he would throw a fit at anyone trying to even look at him the wrong way taking all his anger out.

Keith seriously thought of being more like him but he soon changed his mind, being the outcast should not stand long unless he acts like Leo.

The first day he was pushed down the stairs of his dorm. Fortunately didn't take much of a damage. "A miracle" Leo said laughing.

The second he passed by a sports ground and got a hit to the head by a flying ball that flew over the fence. Not a lame 'sorry' was even heard. Only hushed laughs.

By the third day a girl bumped into him spelling her hot coffee over his white shirt, burning his chest. Her smiling mouth spitted a cold apology before running to where her friends were waiting for her and giggling.

The fourth day was the worst. The burn on his chest stopped stinging, but he tripped on a swinging leg to fall on hands and take injuries to his elbows. This time he wasn't waiting for an apology, but he didn't expect the person who tripped him to kick him while on ground. He sheltered himself with his hands so his forearms took the injury. After that, writing became hard for him for a while.

By the fifth day a younger student in age and built tried to initiate a fight at campus. Keith at that point reached his limits and wanted to fight too.

"You fucking traitor. You think you can come back after the storm has calmed down?"

But it didn't calm down. The storm has yet to come and destroy land. So no one encouraged the small beta, neither ganged up on the traitor. So that day passed without scratches nor burns.

But even when the fight never happened, Keith's rage never disappeared from that point on.

The crazy thing about these kind of encounters is they were made by betas. Keith could've sworn that at least one of them is an alpha, they were intimidating, scary and crazy. But he knows they were all betas. He did his own investigation to make sure of what he's dealing with.

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