Dinner Table

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The sound of wind outside was getting stronger and the rain started to fall, Layle sat in his room on the sofa next to the window leaning his head against it, listening to the nature sounds outside the house.

He looked at the sky through the glass, couldn't see what shade the sky had due to the clouds covering it, but it was sure getting darker. He reached his hand to the table across the sofa and above the books placed on the table his glasses. He wore them, now he can see better, 'I should wear them more often' he thought.

When his mother called for him, he went to the kitchen to see his sister Lily there helping her mother coming earlier than he thought.

"Go to the dining room and accompany my husband," his sister asked.

She wore a smile on her tired face but he couldn't tell if it was real or she was faking it.

When it comes to his parents he could know through the change of their pheromones, but she was a beta. His family depended on pheromones to communicate, so it felt as if she was left out, maybe she is also being left out and feeling isolated living with an alpha for a husband.

"Don't space out and go, Matt gets bored easily if left alone," Lily snapped her finger.

Layle went to the dining room and sat on the sofa next to Matt, he didn't greet him neither did Matt say anything, he looked at Matt in curiosity, the perfume Matt always use was too strong it filled the room with its smell, a strange thing an alpha would do, using his own pheromones to let people now his own actual scent would make people feel more comfortable around him.

"I like your perfume." Layle lied it made his nose itch.


'And here comes the silence again' Layle thought, praying for Keith to come soon since he wasn't that good with going along in a conversation with Matt.

"Keith brought that brand of perfume for me years ago." Matt suddenly said.

Now Layle is interested in whatever Matt is going to say next.

"At my first year of college when I had to stay in dorms, he came one day with dad, I missed him so much at that time so I hugged him tightly sniffing his hair. I told him I missed his scent."

Layle looked at Matt with questioning eyes.

"What? he was a kid and he smelled just like kids." Matt said in defense.

'Even though Keith was probably in middle school at that time,' Layle thought but didn't say it, he also liked Keith's scent, so it was understandable.

"Well, he smells like sweat and cigarettes these days," Matt added with a joking tune. "At that time he didn't understand our world, and how I have a better nose, so he used the help of our mom to buy me a perfume with strong scent so he can recognize my scent too."

"You can always use your pheromones," Layle thought again with loud voice.

Matt looked at him with stunned face and then he smiled as if realizing something.

"As I lived in a beta family I learned that my pheromones are useless most of the time, it either suffocates them or they sense it without caring as if it's nothing, so I got used to never use that ability at home."

'So it's the same as Lily,' both having different problems for the same reason, 'they might understand each other easier than I expected.'

Lily and her mom came to the dining room with dishes in their hands, placing them on the table. At that, their little conversation ended. Layle got up to help them but then he heard the bell rings, "that must be Keith, could you open the door for him?" His mother asked.

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