The Station

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Joey came to school for the last time, his flight was at 8 in the morning, but he wanted to see his friends before leaving so he chose to use the train at night.

It wasn't his only last day at West high, but also Keith's, as Keith changed his mind a day before, Joey was glad that he did all the paperworks for Keith in advance.

For some reason Joey thought that he was going to have a last peaceful and memorable day at his old school, but instead he was bullied, he got beat up by his friends, at that Keith was happy he didn't tell anyone he was going to transfer too.

The gang gathered on the rooftop, Caro's tears never stopped from falling, and Layle was by her side hands on her shoulders trying to calm her down.

"Come on it's not the end of the world, we can still FaceTime each other."

Joey tried to make her stop crying with words that made her cry even more, a glare from Layle made him shut his mouth and never open it again.

"I believe you are not allowed to use your phone there."

Josh said what he knew and he immediately shut up too after the glares he received.

Layle felt bad about Caro, he knew that she loved Joey but couldn't do anything with her love, he felt lucky that he not only got the beta he loved but Keith isn't going to leave him like Joey, he wouldn't know what to do or feel if Keith leaves him.

The school hours were depressing that day, and they felt short, when Layle went back home with Keith he noticed how silent Keith was the whole day, 'maybe he was sad about Joey leaving too' he thought.

He stole a kiss from Keith and ran before him, making the other party hide his face in case anyone saw them which made Layle laugh.

"I'm sorry Layle."

Keith apologized as he opened the door of his house.

"What for?"

"For everything."

He went in his home and started packing up his things, his family didn't accept or understand his decision but they couldn't say no, they had enough on their plate to deal with.

When he was about to drag his bags down the stairs before leaving he found kath laying on the ground, breathing heavily.

He called for his parents to pick her up, he wasn't in the mood to deal with her, it was a usual sight to find her like this, if she wasn't sick then she was the biggest drama queen alive. He left his home alone while his family screamed at kath to get up.

His train leaves at 8 and at seven past thirty he was at the station with Joey.

Joey looked tired, seemed like he had enough problems on his own, his phone rang and he noticed Layle is calling, he excused himself from Keith to get on the train before Keith, as Keith didn't want to get in yet.


He answered as he made his way to his seat.


Layle screamed through the other end, he breathed heavily as he was running to get to the station.

[Why is it I didn't know he was coming with you? Why did you drag him with you? Why is he not answering my calls?]

"He made his choice Layle."

[NO, you made it for him! You took him away from me, why did you do that Joey? Why would you do that to me?]

Layle's voice cracked as he tried to speak without crying, he felt like he could barely say another word, so he cried for Joey to listen at the other end.

For The Beta I Fell For (bl)Where stories live. Discover now