What Do Friends Do?

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He found himself walking alone in an empty street, the darkness of the evening surrounded everything he lays his eyes on. He kept walking into this novel place, not knowing where to go, but his feet kept their steady steps as if his body already knew where to go. He lift his gaze from the ground to look at something knowing he is here, where his body wanted to take him.

Suddenly the voices of people singing and cheering rang in his ears. There is a small festival in front of him, he hesitated to go there but again his foot took him.

Happiness took over him, walking through the people celebrating and dancing.

When the smell of beer tickled his nose he then realized there isn't any trace of pheromones, even though it's a crowded place, but there is nothing of alpha pheromones spreaded in the air to clear dominance, neither the strong smell of perfume omegas use to hide their pheromones.

In this crowded place, loud voices ringing in his ear and the strong smell of beer and sweat, he only thought of how peaceful that place is.

And then a hand came from nowhere, held his hand and pulled him to a small dancing floor, he looked at the person how dragged him to dance with her, and May's face was what he saw. He couldn't believe what's happening, beyond joy he felt.

He was so happy dancing and singing along the songs, but suddenly he felt something was wrong, May wasn't there, she left him, he looked around but couldn't find her. He searched and searched through the whole place but couldn't find her, didn't stop walking and loooking around, until he found himself where he was before finding the place.

Now he can't even go back there, he got lost, but 'it must be a dream' he thought, and it was.

It was a dream, it was all a dream. As soon as he opened his eyes he thanked god, he was scared and felt uneasy, looking around to find May again but couldn't, even if it was a dream, he still felt sad.

It was twelve in the morning when he woke up, the sudden screams from down stairs didn't give the chance to stretch his body after waking up, he jumped out of bed flying to the stairs, followed the screams to the kitchen.

This time it's not only Kath and his mom the only ones whom are fighting but it seems that Matt have joined them too.

"This is enough you people, mom stop trying to fix this girl, she's crazy and that's how she'll always be. And you Kath I have had enough of your mouth, you're a lost cause, but there is no way to bear you more than we already do, so go to your room and cry there."

Keith was stunned to speak, he just stood their watching his brother scolding his twin sister, he didn't want to middle in and make a bigger mess, knowing Kath, she must be the one who got on their nerves first. Kath's crys got louder, but she didn't speak back, doing what he asked for and running back to her room.

"What happened?"

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

Was his mom's answer. And she did leave the scene.

"Kath being Kath." His brother said.

"What brings you here?"

The ground spun around almost making him fall, but he leaned on a chair rubbing his eyes.

"It's my home too, you know?"

"I know, but you know what I mean, it's one a.m. You fought with Lily?"

"No, she went to check on Layle, so I came waiting for her here."

And then the silence took place in the kitchen after their amall talk. Matt was relieved that there's no more noise so he can enjoy the peace for a little bit. His phone rang and he answered and hang up after few seconds.

"It's Lily, she's waiting in the car."

He looked at Keith then said.

"Try to visit us sometime, okay?"

And when Keith nodded, Matt took his jacket and made his way out of the kitchen.

"Wait, she is leaving Layle?"

"It's okay Keith, he is an alpha, it's just like being a woman on period, you already know that. He's doing much better now, and we'll come tomorrow to check on him too."

Keith didn't say anything back, his brother was stating facts, so he only stood and watched him leave.

He noticed a pack of cigarettes his brother left on the table, he thought of leaving it there, but then decided that free cigarettes cause the same amount of harm, just like the ones he pays for.

He sat on a chair took a lighter out of his pocket, one stolen cigarette, light it up and somked. His phone rang with a notification from Layle

[I'm fine.] It read.

[I'm coming over.]

Taking the spare key they have of the Princes' house and taking off.

He unlocked the door quietly, made his way up the satirs to Layle's room, and knocked on his door, but when Layle didn't answer he didn't wait any longer and went inside.

The first thing he noticed was the aura of the place, maybe it really was due to the pheromones that even he could sense, even though it made him somehow vulnerable, but he didn't mind, in any case Layle was sleeping on the bed, and his pheromones in that state cannot harm anyone but him.

Taking advantage of Layle looking as he was passed out, he stood right above him and directed the camera of his phone at Layle's face, trying to take a snap, but when he took it, the camera flash shined on his face and Layle snapped.

He jumped and hold onto Keith's wrists by his hands dragged him and made him fall. Bouncing on him like a wild animal, it made Keith frighten for a moment, he was laying on bed with Layle on top of him, but it was Layle, so why even to be afraid.

"You scared me you little shit."

Layle shouted in anger.

"No, you did," Keith shouted back. "Now get of me and release me hands."

And so did Layle.

His heart was beating so fast, the adrenaline pumped into his body from the surprise he got, and the effect of his rut made it hard for his heart to calm down, he looked at Keith and couldn't help but notice how funny he looked when he's frightened.

Keith put his hand on his heart still in shock, a frown on his face, but still he was on his phone, maybe searching for the snap he took.

"Oh no, it's blurry, why did you move so suddenly," Keith grumbled.

"You serious? For a second I thought you where a thief, you scared the shit out of me".

"Who would want to rob an alpha in rut? You bounced on me like a bear, I thought you were too sick for that".

"I mean, there is some truth to that." Layle felt a little proud.

"And your pheromones man, can't you fucking tune them down, they make my body feel numb. I think they effected my sanity too."

"For that, I'm sorry but I can't. Anyway what you're doing here?"

"Didn't you get my message? I came to check on you, but it seems you're doing more than fine."

Keith answered and stood up.

"I haven't eaten since I woke up, I'm going to see what your sister put in the fridge."

when he headed to the door he stood and turned.

"Want me to bring you something to eat?" He asked Layle.

But Layle shocked his head, for right now he has something else to take care of, the inhibitor works on relieving the symptoms of his rut, but that does not mean, it ceases them.

He waited for Keith to leave his room, so he can be able to take a look under his blanket, and not to his surprise, what is suppose to happen during a rut is happening, an erection. Now he needs to go to the bathroom and relief himself before he loses it.

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