James J.

207 9 13

The first thing Layle did at his 20 anniversary of birth is drinking alcohol and blowing the candles. The second thing after sleeping is getting up early in the morning to go to college like any normal day.

It was 6 am. And his head hurt. It was either because of his new drinking habit or by his own pheromones that seeped from his gland all night. His dreams that night were so powerful so surreal he couldn't help but become emotional even after waking up. And it might be a sign that his whole day was already ruined for him.

By the time he was fully awake the sound of plates crashing against each other made him realize another thing. He left his room for the kitchen to see Harry preparing breakfast. He has let Harry crash in yesterday.

"Good morning."

The beautiful soft morning voice of that omega made him turn his head twice before deciding to leave to the bathroom.

It might not be a bad idea to have an omega on his side, is what he thought or even tried to convince himself. It will happen eventually whether he likes it or not. Maybe even better to have a marked partner rather than a constant one night stands.


Harry noticed the change over the days that followed. The way Layle would not ignore him during or after classes, asking him if he wanted a coffee when he buys one for himself, and when Harry sticks to him most of time they were on campus Layle wouldn't disappear all of a sudden like he used to.

These new little changes were too small to mention to anyone giving the fact the Layle didn't warm up to the omega yet, but they were too big to Harry as they came suddenly.

He couldn't read Layle's mind to understand the change of heart but he didn't have it in him to ask.

Harry was over the moon the whole week. Until he saw Keith's face and fell back to earth.

He went to the library holding five heavy books he had to return when he catched from the corner of his eye Keith sitting with Ronn placing his arm around the beta's shoulders. Ronn was so loud laughing at his own jokes and Harry couldn't help but to look their way the whole time he stood with the librarian.

When he was finished he decided to stay for a long while keeping a distance and observing the alpha-beta duo.

Keith was holding his head low obviously trying to go along with Ronn but at the same time he was visibly irritated by him. For Harry he thought that they were a couple recalling his last interaction with Ronn. But Keith only stayed next to him to escape his bullies.

After he went back to dorm he gained new enemies who didn't believe in his innocence, and his only way to protect himself is making strong alphas side with him, but the only people he could bring to his side were Ryan and Ronn.

And after a long time of him hiding in the library with the noisy alpha, he grew tired. He needed a smoke and decided to leave, and as he held his head higher than before he catches Harry spying from afar.

Their eyes met and Harry's heart sank in sudden pain as the betas eyes showed how tired they were, saddened and filled with worries. He once again felt bad for the beta before his curiosity turns into something else, a new feeling of hate.

That beta is no ordinary, he looks like it but he was no ordinary for Layle. His mind would bring him back to the night at the bar when Layle's eyes couldn't move away from the beat up body of the beta at that time. His mind couldn't stop thinking of the time Layle attacked Allen for him, going to lengths to save him from the police, even if he was innocent and it was Layle's job, but it couldn't explain how unprofessiona Layle was with his emotions and pheromones going all over the place till the matter was solved.

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