Another Bomb

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Three families visited the principal office at school, the day after the little chaos that happened in the cafeteria.

That day, put most pressure on the school principal, the fight that happened in the cafeteria brought big trouble to his school, he was afraid that the news would leak to the press about the violence that was caused by alphas.

In his office and in front of him sat the alpha boy who caused the problem with his parents. The boy tried to attack the principal with his pheromones when he was told that he is suspended but the principal who is an alpha himself didn't budge.

After that the Harts entered his office , the beta family, with the parents sitting and between them sat the twin. It was easier to the principal dealing with Keith's family, he found the betas submissive, and even when he told them that Kath is to be suspended from school for three days, her parents didn't mind, her mother even told the principal that she is going to punish her herself.

Keith and Kath didn't say a word, and as they left the office they found Layle and his parents waiting outside. Layle got up and as Keith approached him. But Layle's father dragged Layle away.

"Come on, let's go meet the principal." He demanded.

The act of Layle's father wasn't strange, it was even expected, but Keith felt a bitter taste in his mouth for the words that stayed there and didn't leave caused by the fear of mr. Prince. He somehow even felt angry at Layle himself not only at his dad.

Keith didn't know what to think or feel, he was at loss, his sister was not innocent, but she didn't deserve to be attacked by an alpha, he didn't know if to hate alphas or not, he didn't know if to like Layle or not.

Layle got to class later after Keith, they didn't talk to each other until the classes ended, like he noticed the change in Keith, even though he didn't do anything wrong.

Layle went to the board, and wrote a hotel name and a date on it.

"On Friday my family is going to hold a party, and you are all invited."

"What party?" Joey asked.

"For I presented as a real dominant alpha!" Layle said as if it's a common sense.

"Those rich people throwing parties for any kind of thing. But hey! Congrats for presenting as one, and I'm not jealous at all." Said Zain who was totally jealous.

Being a true alpha is a major thing to happen for an alpha, yesterday he made all the students in the cafeteria obey him, tomorrow he would make the world his.

Keith didn't say anything, Joey said that he'll go to the party only if Keith goes, "of course I'll go," he told Joey.

Of course he will, after all that is a part of his role, serving the Prince. He thought that he will most likely work as staff at the party, cause he have done something like that before.

He went back home with Layle. On their way Layle wanted to stop on the kids' playground, Keith followed him silently.

"We came here the night you got dumped."

"Oh yeah, you want to remind me of my misery?"

Keith sat on a swing and Layle stood in front of him blocking him from swinging.

"Misery? Are you miserable? Are you unhappy with me?"

"It's not like that Layle. Don't twist my words!"

Keith reached to his pocket taking a cigarette. And Layle took the pack from his hand and tossed it away.

"Are you crazy?" Keith shouted.

"Why are you acting cold around me?"

"You are crazy, Layle!"

Keith stood up angrily laughing, he wanted to walk away but Layle blocked his way.

"Didn't you see how your father yanked you earlier to not talk to me? Even though you are presenting as a real bitch alpha early in your fucking life but that's not enough for him."

"I presented this much early only cause I was trying to protect you."

"Oh yeah, well try to tell him that."

The frown on Keith's face didn't fade, but got more visible, he put down his school bag and took another cigarettes pack out of it, not a surprising thing for Keith to have more than one pack.

Layle almost snapped, seeing the amount of smoke Keith consumes, it made his blood boil. He grabbed Keith's hand holding the pack, his pheromones were released out of his gland immediately and in seconds it suffocated Keith.

"Stop smoking!"

"My mom knows, alright!"

Keith shouted at Layle, trying to release his hand from Layle's grip, but couldn't until he dropped the pack out of his hand, that's when Layle let go of him.

He sat back on the swing, his legs shaking and his hands too, he started to breathe heavily and even his eyes turned slightly red from Layle's intimidating pheromones, the tears on the corners of his eyes never fall, but they were there.

"What?" Layle couldn't believe what he heard, started to think what if she tells his family, he got scared.
Really scared. "How?"

"The night you showered me with your pheromones, like you are doing right now."

Layle scaled down the tone of the pheromones he released. But couldn't stop them. He felt ashamed, really ashamed. In front of him is his love, that he suffocated with his pheromones, even though he promised not to.

He wanted to cry, he loved Keith but he was more afraid of his love, the thought of his father knowing scared him, the guilt he felt for hiding his love at that moment was huge enough to make his heart ache.

"I should head back home."

"No wait Keith.."

He wiped his eyes before tears fall.

"I love you."

Before Keith gets to respond his phone rang, he went to answer and Layle's phone rang minutes after, his mother called and he answered.

[Matt imprinted an omega.]

The shock stopped him from responding, he looked at Keith and Keith was as much shocked.

Keith's brother who is married to Layle's sister, whom he had a baby with, imprinted an omega.

The selfish side of Layle didn't think of his sister, but only thought of the impact that situation might have  on their relationship.

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