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"I have a confession to make."

Joey said sipping on his coffee in 10 in the morning. The cigarette in his hand burned completely but he was deep in thought he didn't notice.


Keith asked almost finishing his coffee and ready to leave.

"I have hemorrhoids"


People could hear them. They sat on a bench next to the coffee shop and many people passed by. They even started to recognize the pair of betas since it became their hangout spot.

"It hurts like hell when I poop or sit. My asshole hurts me right now."


"Today, I pushed it back with my finger. Is it gay if I put my finger up my ass?"

"... No."

Joey asked for another cigarette which made Keith smoke another one himself. Keeping him for few more minutes with his friend.

"Do you know Jason Barlowe? He invited me to his party tonight. But Leo told me not to go. He really hates alphas to death."

Jason Barlowe was a popular alpha at university. His family owns the biggest pharma company in kingdom. But he was mainly known for his lavish lifestyle and chaotic dating life. They say he slept with every omega living in dorms.

"Then don't go."

"I won't." Said Joey confidently. "My asshole hurts anyway."

He was happy finding an excuse. Jason won't bully him for acting rude by declining the offer, he has an excuse.


The mid term exams were near. Keith spent his day in the library studying alone. When the evening came he fell asleep on the books.

He was woken up by the cleaning staff. The old man kicked his chair after failing to wake him up by knocking on the table. But when Keith became alert he simply picked his things up and headed to his dorm with small steps and half opened eyes. Fearing that he won't be sleepy anymore if he used more energy.

He threw himself on bed as soon as he got in his room. Not even bothering to change his clothes. He was tired all the time. The only benefit from having fatigue is being able to sleep whenever he wanted.

Only fifteen minutes passed and he was woken up by a bang on the door.

"Allen is looking for you!"

Ryann said sitting on his bed. "I didn't know you are familiar with powerful alphas! I thought me and Ronn were your only alphas."

Keith sat up confused. "Allen Elrod? Why would he be looking for me? We don't know each other."

He said but he knew who Allen is. He knew about him from high school, more precisely he knew about his family. His father is a member of parliament. He remembers seeing Allen once in a function when Layle dragged him to attend with him. Allen knew Layle but didn't know Keith.

Then Allen entered the room.

He was a tall alpha with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail. His ears had five piercings and his nose had two. When Keith looked at him he didn't recognize him at first. He was different from the boy he saw four years ago.

"Are you Keith? Joey's friend?"

He asked kindly but the way he looked at Keith made Keith feel bothered.


"Your friend bailed on us. He promised he would come to our little party but didn't show up! His phone is turned off and his room is empty."

For The Beta I Fell For (bl)Where stories live. Discover now