Finding Answers

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At the Harts household everything was wrong, everyone of them had his own problem, no one was in the mood to talk or hide their feelings, so when at dinner Keith told them about his intentions to leave no one objected, his dad simply said "okay," and when he told them he is leaving tomorrow his mom told him she won't be seeing him off.

Matt already knew, but when kath found out she simply was enraged, her family never approved of her going back to her old school but they accepted Keith's decision.

So when Keith left, she felt pain, she felt hopeless and helpless, the only person who would stay by her side left her.

At the night Keith left, her parents and Matt sat in the living room discussing the matter of her alpha brother, from what she heard from them everything going as they planned.

The omega her brother marked was sent overseas to study, they made a deal to pay for her education in return she would never come back, Matt already had his things in the car, he was going back to his wife that night.

She looked at her family and they seemed like a genuine happy family with her out of the picture, she heard her father mentions Keith and wishing him to have a better life.

"Keith is going to fine, he is my boy I know him." Her mother said, "I hope Kath wake up one day and realize the mess she is in, I want her to be as good as you and Keith."

She spoke to Matt and Matt nodded.

"I love my sister but sometimes I wish I had only one sibling."

The sound of laughs her family made about the joke her brother made, ringed in her ears and it hurt. She wanted to rip off her ears.

She walked to them with tears in eyes and hate in her words.

"I fucking hate you."

"Hey, watch your mouth."

Her older brother demanded.

"Fuck off."

And to that her father jumped from his chair screaming.

"Who do you think you are? Why don't you respect your older brother? Why are you like that? What did we do to you?"

"What did you not do?"

Her mother walked to her dad holding his arm.

"Kath stop this, go to your room."

"No let her speak, I want to solve everything today and for good, so tomorrow I won't be having any other problems."

Her father decided.

"I did everything for you as a father, I raised you and took good care of you, but you turned to be so sick to hate her own brother."

He screamed throwing his hands in the air, spat flew from his mouth and even the few strands of hair on his nearly bald scalp stood.

"I don't hate him."

"You do! Just because he's an alpha! You envy him! I should've taught you better."

The rage in her eyes fell on her mouth, those words destroyed her, feeling ashamed of something she never did, she couldn't hate her brother, but she hated her dad at that moment.

"Then why didn't you teach me that I shouldn't trust alphas instead of teaching me how infieror I am to them?"

She screamed and cried for answer.

"Where were you? when our neighbor took me to his house.. I was a kid and you weren't there to look after me or help me, where were you? Being a good dad to Matt and Keith? What about me?

For The Beta I Fell For (bl)Where stories live. Discover now