A Normal Day

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Thailand is one of many countries that the majority of their population are betas, but it was the only country that have stricts rules when it comes to sub genders. Only betas are accepted to enter their country either for tourism or work.

Alpha and omega sitizents are rare in Thailand so it's known to be a peaceful country without the sub genders' drama, no heat accidents, no hate crimes, rape cases are not mentionable and definitely betas there were respected the most. that's why Keith loved that country, it was his altimate solution and his last resort, if he couldn't fit in his community anymore.

Keith's brain worked differently, he believed in equality but definitely hated the aub genders, always being compared to them and then gets the lower hand, cause he was a plain beta, people would absolutely believe that alphas are stonger and smarter and omegas are delicate and should put first whatever the case is.

He worked hard on himself to not look infieror to them but he never doubted himself, he would always like the fact that he is a beta, having a normal life is what he wants and being a beta is one way of having it and to accomplish his dream, a beta country is his goal, well more likely his dream only.

When Keith woke up first in the morning it was because Kath was knocking on his door.

"Wake up, Keith. We're going to be late for school."

Keith blinked with his heavy eyelids slowly and turned his head to search for his phone, when he found it he looked at the time and his eyes immediately got wide open.

"It's seven o'clock!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, "I told you not wake me up before seven thirty."

"At least open the door Keith, why do you keep locking it at night?"

"Kathy please, you woke me up, now go, I'll get ready and join you for breakfast."

He didn't hear any answer from his sister, so he believed that she left.

Keith was the kind of person who hates mornings, in school days he would wake up at seven thirty and leave his house as soon as he wash his face and change his clothes, never even eats his breakfast.

His school was about ten minutes far from his house on foot so he managed to be there before eight every time along with Layle, now since his sister is going too, a change of a morning routine is something he should accept.

When he got out of his room and went down the stairs, he heard his mother talking about the Princes making his curiosity drive him faster to the kitchen. He took his seat next to Kath and waited patiently for his mother to give him something to eat.

She didn't even bother to look at him.

She stood tall in front of them with a cup in her hand, with her short black hair, slim body and tanned skin, she could've been a model. Although Kath looked exactly like her but her personality wouldn't make her be successful at any job, modeling is impossible.

"I tell you Kath, you should be polite with Layle, mrs. Prince went aboard today to accompany mr. Prince and your dad on their business trip, so he will be left alone and might have dinner with us from now on until his parents come back."

His mother Mary was speaking while pouring tea for Keith.

"Why don't you just make dinner and send it to him? And mom won't you just stop calling them mr, and mrs. when it's only us, it's creeping me out."

His sister protested.

"Don't you have any shame?" Mary now raised her voice.

'Oh no, here we go again' now Keith has to listen to their arguments every morning.

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