Kind Pheromones

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Hot topic for college was the two murders of the alpha who was found dead in his dorm room and Jason. Both being medicine and pharmacy students, both alphas, and both being killed the same way, a knife to the throat. The rumors spread like fire in chaff. Same killer struck again. But this time he was captured. He was Keith.

Layle walked in campus with steady steps making his way to find Allen in medicine department. His ears caught the name Keith Hart three times while passing students. They were sure that he was their guy.


He called in a frim voice. The alpha who just got out of his class stiffened in his place. He looked at Layle and blood in his face started to drain. He turned quickly and moved with the flow of other students getting out of class trying to blend in. But an authoritative voice nailed him to his place.

"I'm talking to you."

Students around stopped too, clueless but terrified. They moved away from Layle's way. Showing respect to a true alpha who could knock them out if provoked. Allen was the same.

"What happened that night?" He asked moving slowly to Allen. "Why was Keith with you?"

"Listen, man. I know he is a friend of yours but-"

"He is not a friend of mine." He corrected him angrily.

Allen took few steps back till his back hit the wall. Students around started to fade away from his sight when Layle glared their way. Allen was completely alone different way of how Keith was, but same effect.

"I don't know anything!"

"What were you doing up that hill?"

For the outsiders it was a small quiet chat. But for Allen it was a weight of a mountain being pressed on him. Even his pheromones didn't work the slightest on Layle who was torturing Allen at that point. The true alpha's pheromones are phenomenal after all.

"We were having fun. Keith got violent he fought with Jason. When I found him he was already beat up then Jason got killed. That's all I know! I swear!"

He squeezed the words out of his gut with great power of will, he was out of breath just standing next to Layle.

So Keith has an alibi. Layle thought. An alibi that police doesn't know about and probably never will.

When he made his mind about his next words he was stopped.

"Layle, right?"

Leo asked from far away. His friend Joey hid behind him, tugging his clothes till it hurt Leo. Layle turned giving them a hard look. It was the perfect chance for Allen to run and he did.

"Have a hard time finding something useable?"

Leo asked. And Layle almost sneered. He looked at the betas wondering what could they give.

He already knows about what Joey told Matt. That Keith doesn't know the alphas and he only went there because Allen made him. The alphas were protected and his only way of getting anything is by talking to Allen personally but it won't work if Allen doesn't speak to police.

The Barlowe gave little to police and already have private detectives doing work instead. They don't care enough about Keith to help him even when he is innocent.

"Checked the cameras?" Leo added.

But police got none of the recordings from the Barlowes property. He can't get his hands on them.

"Have an idea?" Layle asked. His eyes fell on Joey and for some reason he wanted to throw a punch right in his face. But he didn't. His eyes fell again on Leo studying the arrogant beta. His pheromones spread on a wider range to reach them. Joey took few steps back but Leo stayed in his place.

For The Beta I Fell For (bl)Where stories live. Discover now