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'Why are we a live? What's the point of living anyway?' Keith kept asking himself again and again.

He stood next to the window in his classroom, and the temptation to open the window was taking over him, so he did so.

The wind that blowed in his face shocked him, it was like putting his head in a bucket filled with ice, again October was not supposed to be that cold, but it was that year.

It was a beautiful morning, a clear blue sky, the wind carried the smell of freshly waterd plants from the school yard, and it was chilly, but Keith didn't mind the breeze at all. He leaned on the window to get a better view of what's on the outside, and kept on leaning and leaning, until a hand catched the neck of his shirt from behind and pulled him back in.

"You trying to kill yourself, man?" Joey yelled at him.

"Was I? Haha." Keith laughed, acting like he was doing what he was doing on purpose, not because he was dozing off as Joey believed.

"You almost fell, you were clearly dozing off, have you had any sleep last night?"

"No, but I'm not sleepy at all, I'm awake. In fact, I leaned to watch what the other students from the class below us were doing."

"And you wanted to take a look through the window below?" Joey asked.

Keith nodded.

It was helpless to try and understand what teens do and think about, it was hard for Caro to understand herself sometimes, why would she tire herself trying to understand others, so when she saw and heard them, she didn't intervene, Keith was acting strange since he got here, and it was unusual, but why would she care, at least Joey is there for him, hell he might understand him a bit.

"Joey, I'm going to copy your math answers, is it in your bag?" Well she still needs the help of Joey so in the end she had to intervene.

"I already turned it in, it's only the third day since school started, can you be a little more careful?"
He told her and then turned his head to Keith and whispered, "we have homework?" He was surprised.

"It's okay Caro, no one did it anyway, I already asked." Keith told Caro, and to that she got happy and left class.

"Why did she leave suddenly?" Joey wondered.

"Maybe to hit on her new crush." Keith made some serious prospect.

"Ew, that poor omega." Joey sounded really disgusted." And since when do we have homework on the third day?"

"Hum? Oh, it's okay Joey, no one did it." Keith repeated himself.

Keith seemed distracted to Joey, with every passing minute his mind starts to blackout from this reality.

"Are you okay?"

"What's the point of life?" Keith stunned Joey with his question. "I mean really Joey, what's the point? We are going to die and disappear, so there is no benefit of living if it's going to end."

"What made you think of that?"

"Why would we be so willing to live, and try our hardest to make ourselves happy, if it's going to end one day?"

These hopeless questions he spited out of his mouth and his yelling.

"AHH! These stupid things!What have I done?! My lord. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"

Didn't make him feel better shouting them out.

"What have you done?"

"I did something so stupid I regret. I wasn't in my right mind, I swear!" He tried to explain to Joey, but Joey didn't know what he was talking about from the get going.

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