Introduction To Who They Are

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Layle Prince was the first and only alpha child to his family. His parents are a bonded alpha and omega. Taking pride in having an alpha in the family after their firstborn child Lily was born as a beta and a female, his alpha father decided to have a second child hoping the child to be an alpha and Layle was to their expectations an alpha male.

His family business's long rooted in politics, working under the queen of their country to any extent no one knows, even though they had their private lives away from the lights, the Prince last name was well known.

Being an alpha brought pride for Layle since he was a little kid, feeling as if he was superior just for being an alpha, but that didn't last after he met with his friend Keith.

Keith Hart came from a normal beta family. His parents are betas and so is his twin sister Kath, except for his older brother Matt who was an alpha.

They were a normal family from the outside. After his family was promised to have a house in the capital and a good salary if they serve under one of the Prince's families, they moved to the capital, living in a house next to Layle house to serve them.

He was eight at that time, so is his twin sister, his older brother was fourteen, his father being a secretary for Layle's father and his mother worked as a housekeeper for the prince household from time to time.

For the both families surprise, the Hart twins were the same age as Layle and so for the Hart's alpha son Matt for being the same age as the Prince firstborn beta Lily. That what made the families to be more like friends and neighbors and not as masters and servants.

What really made Layle change his view for sub genders was the way that Keith acted and behaved, Keith was a smart kid and strong one. And even though most of people have their sub genders known from really young age expect for Keith's older brother Matt, Keith never minded being a beta from the start.

He was taught how to act and behave, so he was a good kid that the Prince family liked and didn't mind having him as Layle's friend, except for his twin sister that always acted differently.

kath was always a very shy child who even her family had a hard time dealing with, she was so clingy to Keith who didn't mind how close she was to him, he was overprotective of her, and always have the trouble to do everything with her, that's when the Hart family had enough with how the relationship was odd between them and how she's not going to have a normal life if she kept her behavior to only interact with Keith, and even maybe change Keith to be just like her. So they had to separate them, and since Keith was the closer from the twin to Layle, they send Kath back to her hometown to live with her Grandparents and cousins in her uncle's house. Well maybe that what made Kath hate Layle, even though she hated most of the alphas she knew anyway.

That's what made Keith become a close friend to Layle, they grew up together and went to the same school, had the same group of friends and acted as sub genders didn't exist, just like any other teenagers.

Through out thses years, not many things had changed, only Layle's feeling for Keith grew stronger, Kath returned to her house this year since it was also her last year of high school and should focus more on studying, so her family brought her back to keep a close eye on her.

Layle still hated the fact that she came back, she still pretty much hated him and he was sure she's going to steal what little time was left to spend with Keith.

The other thing that changed, was the fact that Matt and Lily got married, even though Matt was a son of a secretary, he was still an alpha, and the fact that he graduated from university and became a beginner lawyer, these things helped build a reputation for him to marry one of the Princes, even though whom he married was a beta, she is still a Prince.

The princes gifted her a house in the same neighborhood, and she soon became pregnant, Layle was happy to that fact, cause it meant that he was somehow even closer to the Harts and especially Keith.

Now they are both seventeen, and in their last year of high school, many things would change even their way of thinking, except Layle's feelings for Keith.

Layle still the next alpha of his family and Keith was the beta who always wanted to live away from the gender inequality he faced from time to time.

Though sub genders weren't supposed to matter in this day society, but alphas still have the control of everything, followed by betas who were so efficient to work in any kind of work available in the country and have their own successful business. But they still got the lower hand in many things. Having the queen hating them for just being them. It didn't really effect them that much, human rights and beta rights laws were there for them anytime they need, still climbing their way to the top of everything they can do.

Nothing can say much about omegas, having their heat every month was hard enough for them, but a monthly salary for just being an omega was enough to make people envy them, adding the fact that they are part of the alpha society.

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