Bad News

501 28 5

The kisses that fell upon Keith's face were ticklish, still he enjoyed them, he let himself be embraced by Layle for an extra minute, but then he had to cut it.

"What time is it?"

"I don't know around twelve? Just sleep over tonight."

"Hey Layle, I can sense pheromones, but I'm not sure if they are only around me or on my body."

'Of course they are on your body!!' Layle thought.

"Why? You don't like it when it's on your body?"

Layle continued kissing and touching him, trying to make him hard again.

Keith stopped Layle's hand and brought them to his chest, he faced Layle on the bed. "Remember the time when you first hit puberty? You used to spread your pheromones everywhere, as if you were amazed that you're an alpha."

"But remember when you used to make me scrach my pheromones on you, so you could enter an exclusive alpha/omega club?"

"That happened one time, a year ago. I even did the hard job getting the fake IDs."


Layle looked at Keith's sleeping face and out of curiosity he asked.

"Do you like me Keith?"

"Hmm? Yeah.."

Layle watched Keith close his eyes and falls asleep. He leaned much closer to him and hugged him tightly. Only five minutes passed until he woke up again, Keith pushed him and went looking for his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to go home." He threw clothes on Layle, "wear your clothes, lock your front door after I leave. Where is my phone? Oh, here it is."

Layle sighed and wore his clothes.

"Oh fuck, my mom called dozens of times."

"Send her a message!"

"I did. Come on let's go."

He followed Keith to the front door, he wanted to say something but Keith left without a word. He went back to his room and slept that simply.

When Keith went back to his house, he made sure not to make a noise while opening the door with the key, the lights were turned off, and it was extremely quiet.

He was genuinely happy, mumbling a song under his breath. His mouth was dry and he went to the kitchen to drink some water but as soon as he turned on the lights he jumped.

"Oh god, mom! I thought you were a ghost!"

His mom sat on a chair resting her elbows on the table. A glass and bottle of wine were placed on her right, an ashtray and pack of cigarettes on her left.

"Where were you?"

"At Layle's, I'm sorry I didn't call, I overslept." He went to the sink and poured water for himself.

His mom lit a cigarette and took a breath, "these pheromones's smell.. I recognize it. I prefer cigarettes smoke let me tell you, that's why I smoke. But why do you smoke?"

"It's Layle's scent, it must be because I spent too much time in his room."

"No.. it's not about the scent, but this specific kind of pheromones, it's strong, I'm old enough to notice."

She said sipping on her wine.

"You really didn't notice how strong it is.. huh?"


"I don't know which worse, the smell of cigarettes you always carry, or the scent of Layle."

"Mom, I thought we are over with smoking.."

"I always had this stupid idea, I had alpha friends, but they wouldn't leave their pheromones on me, it's inappropriate. Maybe Layle was a protective friend I hoped, or maybe he just doesn't see you as a frie.. either way, I took you for a smart kid who don't do big mistakes."

She looked at Keith with cold eyes, she showed him that she knows, and doesn't like what she know.

Keith left the kitchen without a word. He tried to sleep but couldn't, now his mother's words come to his mind, he was not dreaming, he didn't know how and why he answered her like that, he wasn't thinking, he thought that it was a dream, but it wasn't.

Keith then tried to think about what happened between him and Layle earlier, he wanted to be selfish and not think about his mom, but her words rang into his ears.

'these pheromones's smell..' that kind of smell.

Yayy we made to 500 reads, I'm excited all of sudden. I'm not pretty sure if these chapters are going to get more than five reads. But I love you whoever made it this far xoxo

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