Two Years Passed

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After Two year

One day morning Layle woke up in his apartment to find an omega girl laying naked next to him on bed, her golden hair was long enough to cover one nipple, the other covered with nothing, the white cover that covered her legs exposed skin on her pelvis irritated his eyes, he never liked to look at naked bodies unless to satisfy his needs.

he sat in his bed for few minutes to regain his consciousness fully, the pheromones in the room made it hard for him.

The sunshine went through the open window falling on his eyes, it annoyed him at first but then he got used to it. Walking naked to shower, he hoped that the omega in his bed would be gone when he comes out, but after a long shower he found her still sound asleep.

It didn't bother him much as he got used to similar acts but today he needed to go to university early, so he woke her up even before putting clothes on his skin.

"Get up, I need to leave."

Leaving her to wear his clothes before she has a chance to protest.

Going for a run and eating breakfast before going to college is what his daily routine consists of but today he didn't have time, so he decided to buy coffee from a coffee shop before heading to university.

A white shirt, black jacket and pants, the usual outfit he chosed for himself, many thought he dresses like a lawyer before becoming one is him trying to manifest his dream, but him enrolling in college to get a law degree wasn't to fulfill his dream but his father's.

After almost kicking the omega out when she didn't have her clothes on by the time he was ready to leave, Layle drove his car to his favorite cafe, ordering black coffee with his stoic face that never warmed up to the barista he met daily, even after trying to initiate a small conversation Layle left her chatting with the empty space he was occupying after getting his coffee.

His stoic face that had no glimpse of affection or caring, not even a small curve on his mouth met every student he passed by at campus, like a robot who was only made to do his job, robotic face and attitude, even his friends at college told him the same thing.

But that attitude didn't drive people away, as Layle is one of the well known faces, other from having a handsome face and tall figure and even other than having a rich family, Layle is a true alpha, an alpha among alphas, it's rare to find a true alpha like him. Even Prince Alex was a normal alpha next to him, but that even added to his popularity, as he is one of the few friends to the crown prince at university.

"You're early."

The voice of his classmate Ameer echoed in the empty hall, they were the first to arrive.

"As always."

His classmate moved his bag away to the other side making a space for Layle to sit next to him.

People thought of Ameer as his friend, they always caught a glimpse of him whenever they saw Layle, but to Layle he was a classmate that might share a cup or two of beer with, and for the reason Layle never say out loud he let Ameer close by him for he was an alpha.

It was a dramatic change for Layle, to start hating betas, the opposite of what the beta movement wanted to do, and that change didn't only apply to Layle but to the whole country, betas became somehow lesser than omegas.

At the university he met different kinds of people, good and bad, the community was so different to that of a high school. At university they showed a wide separation between alphas and betas and omegas, as the opposite of a civilized place they chose to build a pyramid, and on top of that sat the alphas, at the bottom were the betas.

The beta protests played the biggest role to this kind of shift, but instead of betas getting their rights, the opposite happened.

The queen was so cruel as Layle liked to say about her when she ordered to end the protests in a fast but a cruel way, even if the death of civilians was needed, for that a group of angry betas formed to declare revenge, making them terrorists.

Layle would've totally hated the new change years ago, but his Keith his compass wasn't around to show him how good betas are.

In fact he started to hate them. Why wouldn't he? a mere beta broke his heart. And why wouldn't he love to be at top when he is a true alpha the alpha among alphas themselves. The most respected and the most loved.

He had a whole future planned for him, and he was taking every step correctly, Layle was set to be one of the most powerful alphas around.

"The queen officially ruined the relationship between us an Thailand." Ameer said as he scrolled on his phone reading news.


It was always known that relationship with Thailand was swinging all the time, Thailand is a beta country, and Layle's kingdom did several horrendous act to betas the past two years instead of giving them what they asked for.

The last one was laying off betas to give jobs to incompetent omegas, even Layle found that the downfall of her regime.

"The queen ordered her people to leave Thailand, cutting connections with Thailand fully."

Layle put his coffee away and laid his back on the chair, preparing for the answer about his following question.

"Even the students?"

"Even the students."


He can handle it he thought, it's been two years and his love for Keith vanished to thin air, it might be even changed to hate more than indifference.

Layle didn't see Keith since he left. Hardly ever hearing anything about him. He knew that Keith avoided coming back home but in exchange Layle rarely went to his home too. So they might never meet even if he's dragged back all the way from Thailand.

The only reason he knew about Thailand is his father telling him happily. But knowing Keith he would probably choose to be an enemy to his country and stay there, he knew Keith is capable of doing more awful crimes.

But that is the last of his concerns.

The last of his concerns as it should, for now his major concern is passing the quiz for today.

At the age of 19, Layle became a second year student at the Centeral university, studying law and living alone in the apartment his father gave him.

At the age of 19 he became the opposite of what he once was two year ago.

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