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clubbing after clubbing, the party continued. y/n was starting to get bored of it all and at this point she wanted to go home. she tried finding all her friends but it seems like all of them went their separate ways. luckily she found taehyun again still the same as ever having a little drink at the bar.

'hey im gonna head out if that's alright? i bet you and them wanna stay a little longer so is it alright if you take them home?' she asked hoping he would say yes

'yea sure' he replied coldly

what a strange boy she thought. 

 as she was heading out she still couldn't stop thinking about that moment with jake even if hes long gone by now. her possibly auditioning for enhypens new comeback was like a dream come true and if it means sacrificing a bunch for it, then so be it. 

as she reached her place and entered the apartment, she did her nightly routine and took a nice cup of tea to help her sleep. tomorrow is the day of the audition and she wanted to be nice and early for it. so off to sleep she went...


her alarm went off scaring the poor girl. lucky for her she was able to get enough sleep even if she came home at 2 am. 

her emotions were spiraling due to the fact that there could be hundreds of dancers at the auditions and even trainees who were assigned to do this too. she wasn't good enough, she thought, her dancing was mediocre, her looks were not at all worthy next to enhypen, and overall she just wouldn't get in. her stomach was churning and her palms were sweaty. 

'cmon y/n, you got this' trying to reassure herself.

it was 11:30 am and the audition started at 12. she need to go and fast. 

she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and wore a simple tank with sweatpants. for her breakfast she simply grabbed a water bottle and granola bar. catching her bus, she was on her way to the building that was hosting the auditions in.

while driving she couldn't help but remember her interaction with jake that one day. dancing together with him were like two flames dancing in the wind but nothing could light them out. she hoped that she could feel that same passion as she did dancing with jake.  As her daydreaming continued, she put on her earbuds and listened to 'only' by lee hi, this exact song was the way she felt for two people oddly enough, yeonjun and jake..

As she arrived at the HYBE building, her stomach immediately dropped. Her self doubts were prevalent, and everything felt like it was tumbling all down. Until she remembered how much her friends supported her through the whole thing. She has to do it for them, she can't let them down even if she wants to back out now, plus this was her dream, so why give up? 

As she reached the lineup, she saw all the pretty girls with beautiful faces and bodies that could not compare to hers. Some were rehearsing their songs, while others rehearsed their raps. Was she the only dancer auditioning? 

'hey... you lost?' some girl asked her, y/n was embarrassed as she did not realize how confused she must've looked.

'not going to lie, yea, I'm here to audition as a backup dancer?'

The girls face lit up

'Finally!! all the other dancers went but we were still expecting one more so i'm guessing that's you ms..'


'MS Y/N! my name is Jennifer Choi, a manager here at the building, I was so glad my scouters found some excellent dancers because most of the boys already have partners aka their sisters, but Jake still is in need of a partner...'

Y/n blushed at the idea of auditioning for her favorite idol. What are the odds that he only needed a partner.

'you know ms.y/n, jake has been talking a lot about this one girl, which im not surprised about but the way he talks about her its like- OOPS! private information so sorry, anyways heres the room! goodluck i wish you the best' she said quickly as she hastily leaves after spilling some personal information that she definitely is not supposed to share..

and nows the time.. the audition...

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now