Watching the Stars-10th Doctor

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You grinned at the sky above. It was magnificent, full of dying worlds, beginning and thriving. Beautiful. You glanced behind you at the Doctor's smiling face.

His 900 year old face had seen so much. He had so much sadness within him. That is why you figured he needed a companion, to keep him going. So here you were, watching over him just as much as he was watching over you. He was the last of the time lords and you had to keep him as safe as you could. He had a habit of getting into trouble without even trying.

You leaned out the TARDIS and grinned. Beautiful. Smiling, you ran over to the Doctor and grabbed his hand.

"'Cmon! You're missing it! Come sit with me." You asked excitedly.

Immediately he started protesting in his British accent. "The TARDIS needs specific calibration to get safely through the rift. I have to-"

You interrupted him and made up the rest of his sentence. "Come sit with you."

"But-", he protested.

You pretended to pout. You grabbed his tie and started to pull him towards you. "Just one teeny tiney little minute?"

"I suppose." He sighed and looked longingly at the TARDIS's controls.

Practically bouncing with excitement you took his hand and led him to the door. You held on a little tighter to his hand and threw open the door. Immediately your mouth dropped open. You figured it was dangerous but you walked outside the TARDIS and swung your feet off the edge.

Dangerous was quite ordinary, after being with the Doctor for a year you got used to the danger.

The Doctor sat down next to you. He put his arm over your shoulder and started to talk. "So where do you want to go next?" He asked.

Thinking for a moment you looked all around. "What about that one?" You asked.

"Ehhh, better not. A population of Sykorax."

"Sykorax?" You asked.

"You know, the Sykorax, tried to destroy earth last Christmas."

Something came into memory. A big chunk of rock. Darkness. The only good thing about that day was meeting the Doctor when you mistook his police call box for an actual police call box. There wasn't really an emergency, you just wanted information.

"Yeah. It would be a good idea to avoid that place completely." You admitted.

"Oh, fantastic! I know exactly where (YN) would want to go!" The Doctor said. He got up and ran back inside.

"Doctor! Where exactly are we going?" You asked confused.

"Somewhere I think you'll really like."

You walked back inside. The Doctor ran around frantically trying to get the TARDIS to work. You laughed when he took a rubber mallet and hit the buttons to make it work. The laughing soon ceased when both the Doctor and you fell to the ground due to turbulence. At least you didn't fall on your head this time.

The moving stopped and you sat up, brushing the hair out of your face. The Doctor sprung up and shooed you away. "Go on, go on, go on! See where we are!"

You opened the doors to the TARDIS and looked into the light.


(edited January 14th, 2017) (originally written in April of 2015)

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