Rock and Roll in Old England-12th Doctor

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Two things... 10k! I love you guys!
Okay guys, if you haven't seen the season 9 episode 1 yet this will make no sense. Seriously. If you haven't seen it yet that is now your homework.
You fell to the ground and heard the faint giggling of Missy. God, you hated her but you had to admit she was pretty funny. A psychopath, yes, but a funny psychopath.

You groaned on the dirt floor and held your stomach. Time travel with vortex manipulators always made you sick. Perhaps it was the exposure to the time travel that you didn't get as strongly when you were being protected by the TARDIS.

Clara brushed herself off and held out a hand to help you up. You gladly accepted it and she yanked you up to a standing position.

You started to stretch your back when you heard, what was that? Was that an electric guitar?

You looked and realized Missy and Clara were looking down into a torch lot pit. Walking over curiously you peered over the corner. What the heck.

The Doctor was blaring a song on his electric guitar while standing on top of a freaking tank.

A tank? How did he even get that here? You turned towards Clara to ask ask she raised a finger to your mouth and started talking to Missy.

The started asking each other questions and talking rather loudly.

Missy mumbles nonsense and Clara kept pestering till the answer was given.

Clara finally took her finger off your mouth and you all turned and looked over the side at the now staring Doctor.

The audience was still and no one talked. The Doctor waved us down and we all ran eagerly down the stairs and stared at the Doctor.

"Everyone! Meet my companion Clara."

Everyone cheered.

"And Missy! Hiss!"

And the audience hissed. Missy smiled evilly and bowed deeply with her handkerchief.

The Doctor walked over and took your hand. Your face turned a deep red and he presented you with a flourish to everyone.

"This is my beautiful and talented companion (YN)."

The Doctor leaned over and kisses your cheek. You blushed. "Best companion I have ever had."
Thanks again for the 10k soufflés! And sorry, I forgot the exact lines so I improvised!

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