Museums-10th Doctor

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I love you soufflés! 4k is amazing! Xoxoxo. Sorry if I don't write for a bit after this, I am starting high school tomorrow and will be too stressed to function. And this is about museums because history is my favorite thing EVER! Okay, continue.
The doctor walked in circles around the TARDIS controls with his hands over his ears. You were close behind, pestering him."Can we go to the museum! Please? They have an exhibit I really want to see! Please please please!"

The Doctor turned around and put his big hands on your shoulders. "If I do will you stop asking?"

You nodded and started bouncing with excitement and grinned like the Chesire cat. And skipped over to the controls.

You walked over to the controls and put your hands on part that didn't have buttons. The Doctor walked over
and started slamming buttons. You ran over to the door and opened it to see your favorite museum. You grabbed your jacket and ran into the autumn air.

The Doctor followed close behind. "(YN) I could just show you when these things are new."

You grabbed his hand in your cold one and pulled him towards the door. This was the one kind of running you did not mind. You pushed the door open and skipped quietly and ran up the stairs to the Egyptian section.

You stared at everything and took in little detail. It was beautiful. You were so close to things that were from many lifetimes ago and had helped form society.

You saw a mummy and reached back to whisper to the Doctor excitedly and looked back to him telling an elderly couple that the information on the plaque was wrong. You dragged him over and whispered. "What are you doing?"

"Correcting the stupid human mistakes."

You glared at him and crossed your arms. "Excuse me?"

He scratched the back of his neck. "Um,  well you are not one of those stupid humans."

"Thank you."

You walked over to some good fortune charms and looked with fascination. You reached behind you again to poke the Doctor excitedly but you fell nothing. Still waving your hand in the air, you turned to see him arguing with the museum security guard about how the facts were wrong.

The security guard grabbed the Doctor's arm and started pulling him down the stairs to the entrance. You sighed and ran over. You looked up at the buff security guard and said, "It is okay. He's with me."

He grabbed you too and said, "then you are getting thrown out too!"

You protested but the awful person kept dragging you to the entrance. He opened the door with his foot and threw you out, quite literally.

You hugged your (FC) jacket around you and glared a glare at the Doctor that would make even weeping angels back away. He started backing away and you stalked towards him with an accusing finger and yelled. "What is your problem! I have been waiting for that specific exhibit for a year!"

The Doctor stopped backing away and simply said, "they got the facts wrong."

You glared and shuffled to the TARDIS and kicked the leaves out of your path with anger. You opened the door and heard crunching behind you.

He grabbed your shoulder and spun you into a hug and kissed your forehead. He pulled you close. You wanted to move away but you couldn't bring yourself to be that cruel.

He took your hand and pulled you inside. "What do you say? Can I take you to Ancient Egypt instead?"

You smiled. "Definitely."
Seriously tell me what you think. Read and vote on! Are there any readers out there that like ancient history too? And I am sorry that I have forehead kisses in almost every story, I find it cute! And I recently found out I have readers in the UK, hugs and kisses to you guys (I've always wanted to go to London).

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