Fish Fingers and Custard-11th Doctor

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You walked around the TARDIS looking for the Doctor. The hallways were confusing to the point that you almost hit the wall but you knew that the TARDIS would throw a fit.

"Doctor! Where are you?" You yelled down the hall. You finally came to the library and smiled when you saw a pool. The Doctor really wasn't lying about a pool in the library.

You walked deeper into the heart of the library. You almost yelled for him but then all those years of being shushed in public libraries locked it and you stayed quiet.

You rounded the corner to see the Doctor in a hammock. He was surrounded by books written in gallifreyon.


He stayed absorbed in his book and didn't even look up. You went over to him and waved your hand in front of his eyes. He didn't even flinch.

You collapsed next to him. What would shock him? You took his fez and put it on your head. The Doctor's head snapped up and he looked at you.

"Do you have any food? The TARDIS is hiding the refrigerator from me." You asked. The whole reason you were looking for the Doctor was for food.

The Doctor sprang up and dropped the book to the floor. You grabbed the book quickly from the ground, afraid he dented it. "Fish fingers and custard!"

"Excuse me?"

He grabbed your hand and tugged you towards the door. After running down the hallway he came to a wooden door and he pulled it open to reveal what seemed like the biggest kitchen ever.

He ran to the fridge and grabbed a jar of custard and frozen fish sticks. He opened the microwave and threw the whole box in. You thought there was about to be a serious fire problem but the box remarkably didn't catch on fire and burn down the kitchen.

You grabbed the box out of the microwave and sat down. You were about to eat when the Doctor grabbed one and stuck it in the custard.

"What are you doing?" you asked him.

"Eating." He replied with a full mouth.

"That is disgusting."

"No it isn't. Try it."

"I will not dip fish into a desert." You protested

"I will not stop trying." You believed the Doctor.

You sighed and picked up the fish and dipped it into the custard. You stuffed it in your mouth, trying to get it over with. It actually didn't taste that bad.

You swallowed it and looked at the Doctor. "I admit, is isn't as bad as I thought it would be."

The Doctor grinned and did a little victory dance. "See you like it! Now all you need is a fez!"


Turns out he actually bought a fez and a bow tie and had you pick one.
Sorry this is kind of really short. I will try and write a long one next time.

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