Sick- 12th Doctor

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Anyone else see the commercial for season 9? I am so flipping excited! What was your favorite part?
He ran into your room and jumped onto your bed. He yelled in a Scottish accent, "so where do you want to go? How about the fifteenth moon of the medusa cascade?"

You coughed in response. Your head has been burning since about two in the morning. You managed to croak out, "I don't think I can today Doctor."

"Oh, that cannot be good." He stepped into the ground and flittered the sonic screwdriver in front of your face. His attack eyebrows were inches from your face.

"Strange, there seem to be no signs of anything deadly, no internal combustion."

"Internal combustion!"

"Not a big deal, a bit messy to clean up though."

He put a hand on your burning forehead. "Are you sure you don't feel like blowing up? Certainly hot enough."

You pulled his cold hand off, "I am not blowing up! I just have a little-", Your sentence broke off due to coughing your lungs out, "cold."

The Doctor walked over to the armchair in your room and out the books on the floor before collapsing in it. "What am I supposed to do? Soup? You aren't even sick with something exciting."

"Soup sounds good, and excuse me?"

"There are so many other sicknesses you could have but you have a boring old cold."

You knew that being sick is awful but you knew some of the diseases and illnesses he has mentioned before were way worse than what you had. Sure you fell like crap but it was better than growing an extra limb or glowing like a human glowstick.

The Doctor sprang up to go get your soup and he was back within seconds. "Here is your (favorite) soup."

He put it on your bedside table and sat down in the chair again.

After a bit you ate the soup and he started to get anxious. "So what am I supposed to do?"

"My Doctor. Travel the universe for me. Show me pictures of everything you are doing. I will be better by tomorrow or the day after."
The Doctor's POV
I was running for my life from the Zygons and hurling insults at them. I enjoyed every second of it but it wasn't the same without her laughing at my side.

She had a fiery attitude where she was thrilled in life or death situations. She would be laughing and figuring out better insults and creative curses to hurl at them.

Actually she would probably find something other than words to hurl at them.
The solar system was beautiful, I had seen it before of course but I missed the smile and the shining of the stars in my best friend's eyes.

I didn't really see the stars, not truly. I had companions like her to smile and enjoy it, through them I enjoy the views. Her joy make me happy and makes me feel as if I was seeing this for the first time.

You were sitting in the control room and waiting for the doctor to come back. You were sick for days and he has gone on so many adventures.

You were over being sick now and anxiety increased as you waited for him to return.

You sat and waited until the door opened slowly and the Doctor smiled at you. He walked over and sat down next to you on the stairs.

"Hey. Did you have fun?"

The Doctor said, "wasn't the same without you."

"You know what is sounding good right now? The fifteenth moon of the medusa cascade."

The Doctor got up and offered a hand, "ready for an adventure?"
What is your fav Doctor?

Mine favorites go like this; Smith, Tennant, Eccleston, Capaldi.


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