Hurt- Rory Williams

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This is my first Rory Williams imagines. I wrote it for @CrazyDree and really hope you like it. By the way readers you are with the 11th Doctor before. And the beginning is really sucky, sorry.
You ran away from the daleks for the second time that week. Doctor turned back once he reached the door. "Come on!"

You ran as fast as you could and felt pain shoot through your body. You collapsed to the floor and the Doctor ran over and picked you up into his arms.

The door slammed behind you and you heard the daleks screeching in rage. Your eyesight started getting blurry. It kept getting harder and harder to breathes the Doctor set you down and rocked you back and forth. "Hold on (YN). I know someone that can help."

You fainted and black overcame you.
You were awake but it took so much energy to open your eyes. Your whole body hurt. Damn daleks, they had shot you. But why weren't you dead? Those weapons killed people.

You opened your eyes and scanned your room. A man with dirty blonde hair looked down at you and brushed the hair out of your face. He was blurring in and out of focus. He walked over to the phone in a corner of the white room and picked it up.

"Yeah, she is awake. Come as soon as you are ready. Bye."

You sat up and it took a lot of effort. You scanned your room again and found that you were surrounded by equipment and were hooked up to two drips and probably were being pumped full of vitamins. You barely managed to say, "Who are you?"

The handsome nurse grabbed a chair and sat next to you. "I am the Doctor's friend Rory. He took you here after you were shot by the daleks."

You were still confused about one thing. "Rory?"

He looked at you. "What?"

"How am I still alive? I should be dead." Rory patted your hand and stood up. He grabbed a pile of papers and showed two pictures side by side to you. He pointed at one picture. "These are your cells before being shot."

He showed you the drastically different one. "This is you after. Apparently there is some sort if rare chemical in your veins that deflected the dalek's attack and simply knocked you out instead of killing you like a normal human."

You stared at him. "But I am human."

"Yeah, you are but whatever is in you prevented you by being killed."

The door slammed open and hit the other wall. The Doctor had a fez on his head. "(YN)."


He ran over and tried to speedily introduce you and Rory. You pretended like you had never heard his name before and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Rory. I am (YN) (LN)."
-three days later (still in the hospital)-
The door opened and your friend Rory came in with the same blue uniform he wore everyday. You closed your eyes and pretended that you were asleep. He tried creeping past your bedside and opened the blinds to let sunlight streaming in. It was a split second decision but you decided you wanted to scare him.

You could feel his breath in your face, he was probably checking to see if you were breathing or something. You twitched your foot so he got destracted. He looked at your feet and you sat up straight and yelled, "Rory!"

He whipped his head towards you and nearly screamed. You laughed at his shocked expression, he seemed like a scared puppy. You wiped tears from your eyes from laughing so hard. He still looked scared.

You scrunched your legs closer to your body and patted the space by your feet. He sat down. "Hey, are you okay?" He looked nervous, you had no idea why but you were worried.


You brushed your hair off your shoulder and pulled it up into a ponytail. You couldn't wait till you could get out of your hospital gown that you wore."Yeah?"

He looked up at you nervously and asked you the question you wanted but didn't know was coming. "Will you go out with me?"
-two years later-
You looked up the isle at your fiancé and soon to be husband. Everyone was gathered in the church pews next to you and you walked down the isle in your beautiful white dress. When you reached the end you smiled at Rory. The Doctor waved from off his side and you waved a small wave back. Your best friend was in the left looking proudly at you.

He looked just as nervous now as he had when he asked you out for the first time. You grabbed his hand and whispered in his ear. "I will love you forever and always.
Tell me what you think! Requests are open! Vote and comment please! Xoxo my soufflés!

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