So Where To Today?- 11th Doctor

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Very short story, I apologize. I am pretty much writing this half asleep. And 7k! I love you guys so much! Xoxo my soufflés! And this may or may not accidentally have some lyrics in here, I was inspired by the song "Into Your Arms" by CAPITAL KINGS.
You opened the doors to the TARDIS and leaped down the stairs into the Doctor's arms. "My (YN)!"

You smelled the smell of dust after rain on his coat. You hadn't seen him in a long time and you were overjoyed to see him.

You pulled yourself from his shoulder and stepped back. You crossed your arms, "where were you? I haven't seen you in two months! I sent you for coffee and you come back two months later!"

The Doctor dragged his hand down his face and he groaned. He looked up at the TARDIS and whispered, "really?"

The TARDIS made a noise that you could only assume she was laughing. You didn't mind, you had a practical joke thing going on. But still, two months?

He had an ashamed look on his face. You pulled him into a kiss and you had to balance on your tip toes to reach. When you were snogging you picked the fez off his head and put it on yours.

You backed away with his pride and joy on your head. You ran around the controls then up the stairs in the corner and looked down at him from the balcony.

You pointed towards the control board and yelled, "to Neverland (or to Narnia)!"

The Doctor flipped levers and you laughed. Off to your next adventure.
Hello people! I was wondering what you guys would think of a maze runner preferences/imagines book. Comment what you think!

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