Books and Adventures- 10th Doctor

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Request by @Eri2468 thank you, I had so much fun writing this one! Hope you like it!
You stretched out on the warm bench in the summer air. You placed your book in your lap and lie down and breath in the scent of daffodils and roses. You open up your current book "Wonder" and open to your TARDIS bookmark that flutters to the ground. You peek over the side of the bench I'll pick that up later.

You pull off your galaxy converse and stare at your weeping angel socks, you knew they wouldn't move, hopefully. If they did you had one of the most dangerous aliens ever on your feet and probably pretty angry from being in your shoe. You curl up and read your book, your (HC) falling over your face. Binge watching Doctor Who had its cost. Drifting off to sleep you fade out of reality.

-----time skip because Jemma is lazy-----

Wind blew over your face and your book pages went mad. Sitting up, your mouth fell open. No way, no friggin way. The TARDIS appeared right at your feet. A hand shoved open the door and you moved back a couple inches.

Sure enough, the doctor from your favorite show ever appeared at the entrance, you meet in the way you least expected it. He stumbled out, looking a little confused, and he fell, right on you.

You coughed off to the side because believe it or not, your stick of a timelord was not that light. You looked straight back up and he stared into your eyes and blushed before falling off. You opened your mouth, trying to find words but none coming out, much to your disappointment. You normally would have some sort of sarcastic one-liner but not this time.

You heard the noise of your least favorite alien ever, they certainly were no Strax. "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!"

You stood up, barefoot on the soft grass and stared at the bronze dalek coming right towards you. It shot a blue laser at you and it scraped your thigh. You screamed at it, "Ow! You -"

You were pulled back and lifted into the Doctor's arms bridal style. You blushed madly and your (SC) cheeks turned scarlet.


He stared at the dalek for one moment then ran inside the TARDIS, he ran over to the chair next to the console and set your down. He ran over to the doors and closed them. You could hear the dalek screaming outside.

He looked at you as if expecting something. "It is smaller on the outside."

He laughed and put this hands in his pockets, "Well that is a first."

He walked over. "So tell me, for one so beautiful you must have a beautiful name to match. What is your name?"


He smiled and looked at you, "beautiful."

He sat next to your and you crossed your legs up on the chair. "Tell me (YN), would you come with me to see the stars."

You ought for a moment. Stroking your chin like Obi Wan Kenobi. "Yes."

"Brilliant!" The Doctor kissed your cheek from pure excitement.

You kissed his and he kept up and ran to the TARDIS console. He set his hand on a giant lever. "Allons-y!"

The lights whirred and moved. Everything seemed to fade out of focus. And is how you met the Doctor.

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