Dancing With Aliens- 11th Doctor

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"Why do we have to dress up?" The Doctor pouted.

You brushed his hair up with your fingers and fixed his bow tie. "We have to stop here to recharge the TARDIS."

"But do we really have to go to the party? I don't wanna dress fancy. Can I at least wear a fez (YN)?"

You put your hand on your hips and smiled. "No, we also have an alien reading here so that means we have to go to the party. One of the guests is an alien. He really shouldn't be here."

You grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the door. "I don't want to go."

You turned and kissed the Doctor on the cheek. "What about now?"

He thought for a while, "uh, that helped but I still don't wanna go."

Sighing you picked up your long dress and stepped outside into the cool air. You looked back at the Doctor.

"Geronimo," he said half heartedly.

You walked towards the castle-like building with your arm coiled around the Doctor's arm. You walked into the entryway and gazed at the sight above. The building was absolutely beautiful, there were huge mosaics and stained glass windows. You weren't quite sure what the stained glass windows depicted. Some seemed like they were telling a story, others just seemed like broken multicolored glass stuck together to replace a broken window. Maybe the Doctor had something to do with it.

Gazing at the elegant party below made you come to a conclusion, coming to such a fancy gathering was not on your bucket list. Gowns and tuxes
everywhere. On top of that, trying to move in your dress was nearly impossible. You couldn't even leave your hair the way it was, you had to put it up.

And manners, that part was not very exciting. The Doctor and you had to come up with identities and had to pretend to be one of these snobby people. Of course the Doctor was going to go by 'John Smith' but you were still missing according to the authorities. What was a name? You had to come up with a believable name that wouldn't attract suspicion.

The Doctor gazed around with intense eyes as if he was taking in the structure and everything in it. "So what do these aliens look like?" You asked him.

"Well, they are going to look like normal people because of their cloaking technology. We just have to look for anything suspicious." He said.

You didn't even have time to ask questions before he dragged you down the stairs. You nearly got all the way down the stairs when you tripped in your heels over your long gown. It almost happened in slow motion.

He held out his hands and caught your waist before you hit the ground. Several eyes turned towards you and the Doctor. You were still lifted in the air and he had a dumbfounded and very embarrassed face. You held out your hands and said the only somewhat believable thing that you could think of. "Ta-da!"

You whispered out the corner of your mouth, "Doctor you can put me down now."

He set you on your feet and smiled. The people stopped looking and they turned back to talking and sipping champagne. The music started up.

The Doctor held out his hand, "(YN) may I have this dance?"

You curtsied and placed your hand in his. "Yes Doctor."

He grinned and pulled you towards him. He held out his hand for you to hold and he put his other hand on your waist. You put your hand on his shoulder and started dancing.

It had been a long long time since you had danced, you had managed not to step on anyone's feet so far. The Doctor leaned in and whispered, "keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

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