Lost- Captain Jack Harkness

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This is my first Captain Jack Harkness imagine, so sorry if this fails. And I would like to add the fact that you are traveling with the 10th Doctor.
Someday you had to tell the Doctor that though you had traveled together for a couple of months you still weren't used to all the alien life forms. And planets were pretty awesome to visit but when you were left alone it was a disaster waiting to happen. The first time you had gone to an alien planet you had walked into a shop and well, you hadn't known that that was a firework that would explode the place.

The second time you had tried picking up something because you thought someone had dropped it, you hadn't known it was a sacred gem to an alien species that had been there for thousands of years. To be honest the gem didn't even look like a gem, it looked like a smooth black rock you would find in a riverbed.

Many incidents like that had happened yet the Doctor still took you on adventures and you guys were very good friends. It had been your fault in most situations that had happened but this one was the last straw. Sometimes he misinformed you and got his facts wrong about what you should and shouldn't do. But this time he couldn't tell you anything.

You couldn't find him anywhere. You had gone to this planet that was full of tiny shops and vendors of all kinds selling stuff that looked unearthly. You wandered around in the crowd and had no idea how to find the Doctor. Many people had approached you and asked if you wanted to buy something.

There was one man that made you run away from fear though. He was very obvious about trying to sell something that probably wasn't even legal, or at least it sounded like it. "Would you like to buy some deathsticks?"

Then he stated the obvious, "what is a pretty girl (or guy) like you doing down here?"

You didn't reply, you turned on your heel and ran down the street, looking back to see if the creep was following you. You kept running while looking back and you ran straight into a man full force and knocked you both to the ground. You landed right in his muscular chest and sat there for a moment while trying to understand what just happened. You looked up at the man's face and he lifted up his head to see you on top of him. He brushed his dark hair up a but then held out his hand for you to shake. "Hello, I am Captain Jack Harknesss."

You shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, I am (YN)."

You stared at him then suddenly seemed to realize you were still on too of him. You got up hastily and brushed the dirt of your jeans. "Sorry I ran into you. I was running away from someone. And looking for another person."

Jack completely ignored your apology and instead started his own conversation topic with you. "Would you like a drink?"

He led you down the block to a vendor with every kind of drink you could imagine. Jack winked at the woman and asked for a whiskey. Wow he was totally a player. But he was a hot player, you mentally face palmed yourself for thinking that then you turned to the woman and ordered your favorite drink.

You thanked her for the drink then took a sip. It reminded you of home, when in reality home was a really long way away. You heard someone calling your name. You looked away from Jack who was paying then squinted down the road to see the Doctor running towards you yelling your name. You smiled then ran over and hugged the Doctor. "Don't ever leave me again."

He held you by your shoulders and bent a bit to your level. "Never."

You pulled him back to Jack and introduced each other. "Doctor, this is Captain Jack Harkness."

The Doctor pointed at him with a shocked look. "You!"

He walked closer and continued, "Have you been seducing my companions again?!"

Jack didn't answer, he took your wrist and span you into his arms and kissed you.
Tell me what you think! Requests are closed for a bit. I am in the middle of writing a RoryxReader and 10thDoctorxReader and 11thDoctorxReader and school started for me in two days so wish my friends and I luck!

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