Chapter 26

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Sophie's pov

"Okay movies over! Get the lights on! We're done with this movie" I said getting up and turning off the tv.

Everyone started laughing at me by the way I was acting. I mean come on, they put Insidious on and they expect me not to be scared.

"I'm going into my room now" I walked into my room closing the door. I started getting ready since we were going to drive to Anaheim for Vidcon.

I got dressed into a black fitted crop top, Marvels high waisted shorts, My black tights, and black docs.

I grabbed my straightener and walked out of my room. The lights were still off so I could hardly see. "Guys I told you to put the lights on!" I complained as I stepped on Blues toys.

"Guys?" I looked around to find no one "Blue!" I called but she didn't come. "This isn't funny! We literally just watched a horror movie!" I yelled

I screamed because my door slammed. I tried opening it but it didn't budge. "GUYS THIS ISNT FUNNY ! I KNOW ITS YALL MESSING WITH ME!" I yelled but got no response.

I walked over to the couch and saw Cam lying on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood. I heard a door open . I turned around to see which door it was but I saw none open.

A hand covered my mouth and I started screaming. "OW!" The person yelled as I kicked him in the balls and that persons voice sounded familiar. He let me go and the lights came back on to reveal the guys and Taylor laughing there asses off.

"What the fuck!?" I yelled " you should've seen your face! " Jack G laughed. "but cameron.." I said

"Ketchup" he said liking his hands. I was beyond pissed at them for doing that to me. I turned on my heel and walked to the bathroom. When I opened the door blue ran out and started barking at Johnson. "You locked her in a room?!" I screamed.

They all stopped laughing. "Sophie it was a prank.. a joke" Taylor said. i rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom slamming the door.

I did my makeup and hair ignoring there calls. I walked out and immediately went into my room.

"Sophie" Nash said walking into the room. Ugh! Forgot to close the door.
"It was a joke" he told me "I was worried that one of you died and then when u saw cam I freaked! I just watched a scary movie and you know I get paranoid when I watch them."

"Were sorry babe, it wont happen again." He said hugging me. "Okay good." I walked out and punched Gilinsky. "I know it was your idea, you asshole"

"who told you?"

"You just did."

" Crap"

I shook my head and walked up to cameron. "Your an asshole!" I said punching him in the arm." First off, that didnt hurt, Second, You are welcome!" He laughed.

" Im leaving with or with out you asses!" I yelled closing the door. 


"My bitch" Andrea said wrapping an arm around me. " Sup hoe" i told her laughing. " OMG! Its GettoxFabxForever" Taylor yelled walking up to us. "OMG! Its taylor, the girl that thinks I Like her!" andrea joked. 

In the car, taylor apologized to me and i couldnt stay mad at her. " Where is the boys?" 

" They took the car to pick up Jacks girlfriend" I told her. She looked at me confused. " Which Jack?" She asked " Gilinsky" Tay told her as we started walking to where everyone was. "He has a girlfriend?" 

"Yep! But i have no idea who it is" I sighed. I really hope its emily.  Emily is jacks best girl-friend from Omaha. We met her at a magcon stop and she is so nice. Its pretty obvious she has a crush on him so i hope its her.

We got to the food area and saw a bunch of youtubers. " HEY GIRLS" tyler yelled from his table he was at which had Grace, Hanna, Zoe, Alfie, Joe,Caspar, and louis. We all waved back and went to the table where all of our friends were, aka the loudest table there.

"Sophie! Taylor! Andrea! Save us from this fucking bitch who is on a sugar high" Anthony said pointing to Becca who was indeed going crazy. " She is a lost cause" taylor said sitting down . I sat on jenn who was on her phone. " oh my gosh, you weigh a ton." she said pushing me off. " I do not!" i glared at her and sat on Sams lap instead

" You have a bony butt" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and went on twitter to see that JJ ( Jack johnson,) posted a pic captioned ' Vidcon we coming' In the pic was cam and nash smiling, JJ showing the piece sign and Gilinks showing the middle finger with his arms wrapped around.......... Madison Fucking Beer.

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