Chapter 28

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Sophie's pov

"Boooooooo! Don't leave" Jenn yelled to us. I pulled her into a hug. We all made a deal that we wouldn't see each other until the last show. This way, it will be more memorable.

" I have to change." I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. I put on Gray joggers, Nash's gray sweater,and black converse. I pulled my hair up into a bun and left the bathroom.

"Babe..." I pouted and walked towards Nash. I wrapped my hands around his torso and looked up to kiss him.

"Three months is a long time" He sighed "how am I gonna live?"

I pulled away " I have no idea but you need to stay alive so I can kiss and cuddle with you when the tour is over!"

He laughed and threw me over his shoulders. " Nice ass" We both said at the same time. I saw that he was walking out of my apartment. " Nash I have to leave in 20 minutes, so put me down!"

" This will only be 10" he started walking up steps. "if you drop me, I will kill you."

"I thought you wanted me alive to kiss and cuddle" he joked. I slapped his ass. "Very funny!" I rolled my eyes.

He finally put me down after like 3 minutes of walking. We were standing in front of an old door.

I gave him a questioning in which he opened the door in response. I walked through to find that we were at the roof.

I looked back at him and smiled. "It's very nice" I whispered looking at the view of Orange County. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed the top of my head.

We stayed like this for a minute. " I'm gonna miss you" I told him again. "Im gonna miss you too babe"

---Tays pov---

"Jenn can you pass me that shirt" I told her and she threw it at me. To say I was packing late was an understatement, we had to be at the airport in 10 mins and I just started packing.

"Where is your boyfriend?" She asked while petting blue. " I don't know" I rolled my eyes.

"Uh oh, what happened?" She asked scooting over to me. " Nothing, honestly nothing. He hasn't texted me at all, so nothing has happened." I sighed, Zippering up my suitcase.

I heard the door open and heard Sophie and Nash talking. "Are you sure you can watch her?" I asked Jenn standing up. Jenn is watching Blue cause Blue liked her more than the boys. She nodded.

I rolled my suitcase out of my room with Jenn and blue following behind. " I'll see you in two months" I hugged her goodbye since Nash is taking us to the airport. " Try not to have too much fun!" I joked. She smiled " No promised"

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