1| Blonde

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Chapter 1: Blonde (Anastasia's POV)

The club thrummed with a cacophony of deafening music, the bass reverberating beneath the ground, climbing up my toes and my legs, matching my rapid pulse. Overlapping conversations echoed, and neon lights danced over the drunken and frenzied crowd. 

"Is he here yet?" The question reached me over the ear-splitting cheers. 

Adjusting my earpiece, I continued shuffling behind the bar and serving customers. "No," I said quietly, "not yet." 

"We've been monitoring the club for weeks. He should be there by now." 

"He's late," I concluded, lifting my gaze to scan the club. "Actually, he's stalling." 


My eyes drifted to the glass staircase located behind the bar, which led up to a large private room, a glass panel overlooking The Dove. "Mr Davis is already here," I said, "Garcia's probably stalling. Waiting to see if Davis will stick it out. He wants to know how badly they want the deal." Plastering a smile on my face, I served another drink to the customer before me. "Here you go, sir." 

Taking it from me, spilling nearly half its contents over my fingers, the man stumbled away. 

Sighing in annoyance, I wiped my hand clean, my movements slowing as he finally walked into the club. "He's here," I mumbled, my eyes trailing him until he headed upstairs, out of sight. I continued to bide my time behind the counter, keeping an eye on the crowd for anybody who stuck out. 

I wasn't just passing time, I was waiting for the order. 

"Anastasia," Marshall said, "go in." 

Spinning around to grab a tray, I grabbed a bottle of liquor, placed a few glasses on the tray, grabbed an ice bucket, and rounded the bar, heading upstairs. The guards stepped aside, scanning my uniform, and let me in. 

The conversation continued as I entered the room and approached the table, crouching down to set the tray. "You're worried for no reason, Davis," Mr Garcia chuckled, taking his seat. "I've been in this business for years, and not once have my girls been caught." 

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Garcia. What you're doing this time is different. You've gone too far. Sending all the girls at once? How can you be so sure you won't get caught?" 

"Who would question me? All it takes is one little blank check to shut the cops up." 

A pause passed through them. "And the FBI?" Mr Davis asked. "They almost caught you last time." 

"Well, they missed. They'll miss again." 

I kept my eyes down and continued preparing the drinks as slowly as I could, stalling for time. 

"There are certain lines we don't cross in this business, Garcia. You're not the first to smuggle drugs in and out of the city, but girls? You've gone too far. You're—" Mr Davis cut himself short at a sharp glance from Garcia. Glancing at me out of the corner of his eye, he continued in a softer voice, "It's sex trafficking. Do you have any idea what they'll do to you if you're caught?" 

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