22| Lost

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Warning: Extra long chapter

Smut ahead 

Chapter 22: Lost (Dante's POV)

The moment those words escaped her mouth, I knew I was ruined. And I'd be damned if I didn't ruin her by the end of the night too. 

I tried, I could swear on the Gods above, I truly tried to keep my urges and body under control, but seeing her in front of me, feeling her skin like silk beneath my calloused palms, and seeing her fight her desires the way I was... All of it only tempted me more. 

I wanted Anastasia Vitalio in every way a person could be wanted. The consequences be damned. I didn't care that we weren't allowed to do this. 

Maintaining a safe distance wasn't only a rule we had set for each other but also a rule that came with working in the FBI as partners. We were strictly prohibited from getting involved on any level. Emotionally too, but especially physically. 

That was precisely why we kept it under such tight wraps the first time around. It wasn't until after I went rogue and underground that Marshall found out the truth. 

The smallest moan from her lips had blood rushing to my dick, and fuck, if I didn't have her tonight, I would simply perish. 

As I began lifting her top, I felt her hands come down on my chest moments before she pushed me away, catching her breath. "Convince me," she demanded with a newfound resolve and stubbornness. 

"Excuse me?" I scoffed softly. 

"I said, convince me." A smug brow arched as her lips twitched in amusement. 

I took another step forward, hooking my fingers into the hem of her top. "I don't have to convince you of anything," I said softly, hitching it up higher. 

Her hands caught mine, easing them off slowly. "Then you don't get to have me," she said slowly, enunciating each word. 

"Do I have to remind you? You asked me not to stop," I pointed out. 

"I had a moment of weakness," she shrugged nonchalantly. 

"And you're suddenly back to your senses?" I asked dryly. 

She nodded casually. "I don't let men I don't like do dirty things to me, Mr Rossi," she mused, tracing the buttons down my first with a single finger, toying with each of them. Her lips twitched into a smirk as she lifted her gaze back to mine. 

Realization dawned on me as I held her eyes. It was a test, a game that she was playing simply for her amusement. I knew Anastasia's body and desires like the back of my hand. I read her body language and mind games like an open book. 

Every curve of her body, I'd learned and memorized. I knew exactly where to touch her to steal her breath away, every spot to kiss to earn a moan from her lips. Anastasia liked to feel wanted, she liked to feel adored, but she especially liked to have me at her mercy. She liked knowing I would do anything to have her, to claim her body. She got off on the power play just as I did. 

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