44| Epilogue

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Chapter 44: Epilogue (Anastasia's POV)

Seven years later...

"Mia Cara," Dante called out. 

I lifted my eyes just in time to catch him flipping the pancake, tossing it into the air before catching it perfectly. 

"Yeah?" two voices replied in sync. 

He spun around to face us, a knowing smile already dancing on his lips. "Mia Cara," he repeated with a small chuckle this time. 

"Which one, Daddy?" 

My eyes cut to Dante's. "Yeah," I chimed in, agreeing. "Which one, baby?" I asked. 

He let out a dry, amused chuckle. "I've already learned the hard way that when my wife and my daughter ask me which one of them is Mia Cara, I should not answer," he smirked, rounding the table to stop at my side, pressing a soft kiss against my lips as I faced him. 

"Hi," I smiled.

"Hi," he mumbled, resting his hands on either side of my waist. 

"Hi," Francesca added behind me, mostly mumbling to herself. We both turned to look at her, laughing as she continued drawing on the notebook before her. 

Spinning back around to face Dante, I looped my arms around his waist, staring up at him. "Are you going to work?" 

"Mm-hmm," he nodded, taking my face in his hands after brushing the hair out of my face. 

"Why?" I sighed, "you're leaving me alone with your daughter again." 

"She's your daughter too," he laughed, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 

"She only likes you," I whispered quietly. 

"I like Mommy too," she argued from behind me. 

My brows twitched as Dante spun my stool around so I could face her. "You do?" I grinned. 

She nodded, continuing her masterpiece. "Yes." 

"Then come here," I teased, tickling her ribs. 

As she squealed, the crayon slipping from her fingers, I scooped her up, seating her on the countertop before me. A scream escaped her as she threw her head back in a fit of laughter and giggles until I finally stopped tickling her. 

She grabbed my cheeks lightly, just as Dante had in front of her moments ago. "Mommy, stop!" she shrieked. 

"All right, come here," I chuckled, keeping my hands around her waist to catch her if she fell or made any sudden movements. "Can I take you for your bath now? You wanted to stay and watch Daddy make me pancakes, but now he's done." 

She blinked those big doe eyes once and turned to look at Dante as she lightly pressed her palms together in her lap. 

"No," Dante said slowly, shaking his head, "I won't let you use those eyes to get out of bath time, Francesca." 

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