29| Revenge

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Chapter 29: Revenge (Anastasia's POV)

I didn't know what was going on, I didn't understand anything anymore. After what happened over dinner with my parents, I was barely in control of my own body, and the only thing I knew with certainty was that I didn't want to go home. 

Going home meant sleeping alone, and sleeping alone after spending my entire night thinking about the past and what had happened to Francesca meant the nightmares would start again. 

I was afraid. I was a coward, too fucking scared to be left alone with my own thoughts, so I ran to the only place, the only person I could think of. Dante. 

But that night, I hadn't gone to him looking for sex. Even though that was our deal; whatever this was between us, it was strictly physical. Somehow, I found myself simply looking for... him. 

A part of me just wanted someone to talk to. It wasn't until I was at his apartment that I realized he couldn't be that person because Dante didn't know a thing about me, and I didn't know a thing about him. I started to wonder if I was really that sure of what I wanted from him because I was starting to believe maybe I wanted more than just physical. 

If you were to ask me, I would never admit it out loud, but when Dante had disappeared without a word a year ago, a fraction of me was a little grateful because I was starting to want more from him. I started craving a part of him he wouldn't be willing to give me. I

t was the biggest factor holding me back from him this time around too, and I dreaded the moment I would feel that again. 

But that moment is here now. 

It felt like I was standing right where I was a year ago, feeling more than I wanted to, craving him more than I wanted to, and not knowing what to do. The question had been haunting me, possessing my mind completely until it was deprived of its capability to think straight. 

Was I falling for Dante Rossi? Again? 

Dante cutting me off and going underground saved me from myself, and I never had to answer that question, but this time around, he was right in front of me. I had no choice but to face the music. 

I wanted Dante beyond the physical aspect of it. I wanted his mind, his heart, I wanted to know who Dante Rossi really was. It always felt like I could never really have him the way I wished, so I stayed and settled for the pieces of him I could have, the parts of him that he was willing to show me, to give me. 

But now... it felt like they weren't enough. I needed more, I needed him. 


Inhaling sharply, I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face Dante. "Hmm?" I asked, feeling lost in the crowd and in our conversation. 

Tonight couldn't have come at a worse time. We'd taken the weekend away from our killer, trying to delay the inevitable, and we'd managed to buy three more days. Then the invitations arrived last night, and we knew it would be terrible tonight. 

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