2| Hiding

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Chapter 2: Hiding (Dante's POV)

"Anastasia!" Marshall called out. 

I watched her through the crowd, noticing the small furrow in her brows ease itself as she spun back around and left the club. 

My gaze drifted to the glass staircase leading upstairs as shouts echoed while the group of agents, most of whom I was familiar with, trailed downstairs with Davis in one set of cuffs and Garcia in another as he screamed in pain, clutching his leg. Waiting until they headed toward the exit, I began shuffling through the crowd, trailing behind them closely. 

"Who the fuck told you I'd be here?" Garcia seethed at one of the agents, still limping ahead. 

The response he got began with a simple scoff. "We were tipped off," he answered. "Looks like we weren't the only ones coming after you, Garcia. Someone else clearly wanted you gone." 

I take it they received my tip-off then. 

Brushing past the agents, I went by unnoticed in the crowd and slipped outside, getting into my car and driving off before someone saw me. I was barely ten minutes into the drive back home when my phone rang, already connected to my car. 

A faint breath escaped me as I read the caller ID, which flashed Tristan's name clearly. My fingers drummed against the wheel as I contemplated whether I should answer the phone or not, but against my better judgment, I did. 

"I need a favor," he said almost immediately. 

I suppressed a scoff as I rested my left elbow on the rolled-down window and traced my bottom lip with my thumb. He truly was unbelievable at times. "Hello to you too, Tristan," I mused. 

"Can you meet me? It's urgent." 

Stepping harder on the gas, I sped down the street, bringing a hand to the gear. "Come to my apartment," I told him. 

"I'll be there in a while," he said before hanging up. 

"Always so needy," I mumbled in annoyance, letting out a sigh. The engine roared louder as I sped down the street, taking advantage of the rare empty path ahead of me. 

The closer I got to my building, the softer the purr of the engine grew until I drove around the building and into the underground parking lot, unlocking my private garage once I disarmed security using my phone, and then parked the Ferrari amongst my others. Pocketing the keys, I stepped into the elevator and headed straight up to the penthouse. 

I got home with just enough time to spare because, by the time I shrugged off my suit and grabbed a bottle of water, Tristan was ringing the doorbell. I answered and stood in the doorway. "Can I help you?" 

"For starters, you can let me in." 

"We can't wrap this up here?" 

He shot me a blank look before brushing past me and entering the apartment.

"Make yourself at home, I suppose," I mumbled under my breath, closing the door and walking into the living room. 

Shades of Sins (New York Sinner Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now