36| Poison

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Smut ahead

Chapter 36: Poison (Dante's POV)

Several minutes had passed since we'd returned to Anastasia's apartment. Throughout the ride, she was zoned out, lost in her own world, and even now, sitting here for the past ten minutes, she hadn't moved a muscle. 

I didn't want to intrude or shatter her thoughts, so I sat in silence beside her, offering the only thing I could, my presence. 

I was terrified that Anastasia would be upset with me for how I acted with her parents. I knew I was crossing a line, talking somewhere I didn't belong, intruding on something that was personal between her and her family. 

But I'd reached my limit of seeing Anastasia so haunted by her past while her parents used it against her. 

Although I tried my best to remain respectful, the way Mrs Vitalio practically kicked us out told us we weren't welcome in their home any longer. Regret and a sense of shame were splashed all over Mr Vitalio's face, but despite that, he did nothing to stop his wife. 

Taking a breath, I lifted my hand and brushed the hair out of her face before stroking her cheek with the back of my fingers. "Baby," I said softly. 

Blinking, she snapped out of whatever daze she was in and turned to face me with a startled look in her eyes. "Hmm?" 

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

She let out a breath, leaning back in her seat. Swallowing past the lump I knew had formed in her throat, she nodded slowly. "I will be," she said with determination. 

I stared at her a little longer, taking in all her features, memorizing them even though I knew every inch of her by heart. 

She was the blood flowing in my veins, she was the heartbeat within my chest. All I saw was her, all I thought about at every waking moment was her. She was the person I saw when I closed my eyes; she was the only one I woke up to every morning; she was in my dreams even when she was by my side. 

"What are you looking at?" she asked with a small smile. 

"You," I replied, holding the back of her neck as my thumb stroked her cheek. "You look beautiful." 

She finally laughed and flung her arm in my direction. I caught it and tugged gently until she leaned past the console, and her lips brushed against mine with a wide grin dancing on them. "Do I?" she asked teasingly. 

I nodded, "Mm-hmm." 

"Can you say it again? Can you tell me I look pretty, Dante?" 

"You look absolutely stunning, baby," I whispered, my gaze dropping to her lips as I waited for her to lean in and close the distance. 

"Baby?" she laughed in surprise. "That's new, isn't it? I like it, but I love it when you call me—" 

"Mia Cara," I said knowingly. And then she fucking beamed at me. I groaned quietly, throwing my head back. "You're killing me, Anastasia." 

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