3| Kill

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Chapter 3: Kill (Anastasia's POV)

A shrill beep echoed in the parking lot as I locked the car behind me and dropped the keys in my pocket, pushing my sunglasses up to my head as I entered the apartment building. 

"Good morning, Ms. Vitalio," Jimmy greeted. He had been the doorman to my parents' apartment building ever since I could remember. 

"Morning," I smiled, walking inside and stepping into the elevator, heading up to the penthouse. Taking a breath and running a hand down my stomach, I rang the doorbell. 

The one person I hoped wouldn't answer the door did. 

Of course. 

The blank facade I'd mastered over the years always crumbled in front of her. "Mom," I mumbled. 

Without a word, she spun on her heels and walked back inside, leaving the door open for me. I let out a soft sigh and stepped inside, trailing behind her into the dining room, where I found Dad already seated at the head of the table. 

"Buongiorno," Dad beamed as I stopped behind his chair, swooping down to give a quick kiss on his cheek. 

"Morning," I said, taking a seat to his left. 

"I'll check on the breakfast," Mom said before walking right back out. 

I paused for a beat before turning to Dad, leaning back in my chair. "You know she hates it when I'm here," I said, "why do you insist on weekly family meals?" 

He set today's paper aside. "Because it's easier to give up on a family and harder to hold it together. It may be harder, but it's also the right thing to do, Anastasia." 

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes simply because I'd heard it too many times. I knew he was right, but sometimes, being in the same room as her was too difficult to bear. 

"Did you make it home okay last night?" Dad asked. 

I nodded, tracing the edge of the dining table. "Dad, you do realize that you retired years ago, right? It's not fair for you to tell my boss what to do with me. Marshall knows what I'm capable of, and you do too." 

"Don't take it to heart, honey. I just didn't want him to rush you into one case right after another." 

I shot him a pointed look. "You're too protective," I stated. 

"You're my daughter," he replied as if it were the only right answer. 

I stared at him in disbelief, a laugh bubbling out of me. My smile slipped a little as Mom walked back into the room with Mrs Maria trailing in behind her with a second tray of food. 

"You're coming tonight, aren't you?" Dad asked. "To the party." 

"Oh, no. God no, Dad, please. You know I hate these things," I groaned softly. 

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