26| Poker

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Chapter 26: Poker (Dante's POV)

The next week flew by, and with it came work, arguments, and sex. Then more work, arguments, and some more sex. Anastasia and I were still partners, after all; partners who were being forced to work together, hence the arguments never ceased. 

Sure, we liked to fuck each other but work together? Not so much, and no amount of sex could change that. 

With a week having passed, we were anticipating another invitation to a bloody art showcase once again, and with nearly no leads, our last option was to delay it as much as we could. 

"What about Anastasia's suspect?" Marshall asked. "No leads on him either?" 

With a shake of my head, I replied, "None." Lifting a hand out of my pockets, I pushed the black-rimmed glasses further up my nose. 

"How is that possible? How can he be a ghost?" he demanded. 

I paused for a beat before tucking my hand away instead of doing something irrational like giving him the finger. "For starters, we don't have much to go off of. No last name, just... Ethan. Not to mention, there was no Ethan on the guest list." 

He opened his mouth to argue, of course, but I beat him to it. "The only Ethan on the list was Ethan Clifford, and he doesn't match the description Anastasia gave. She says the pictures don't match the man she saw." 

"What if she was mistaken?" he questioned. 

My brow arched up. "I think we both know better than to doubt Anastasia. She knows what she saw, Marshall." 

Barely stifling a sigh, he threw the evidence photos onto his desk and rose in frustration. "What do you suggest we do then, Dante? Just sit here, waiting for the culprit to give us the next invitation to the blood bath he or she created?" Pacing back and forth behind his desk, he pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"I suggest we steal the spotlight," came Anastasia's voice. I glanced over my shoulder as the door swung open, and she stood in the doorway. "Can I come in?" 

"Please," Marshall nodded, gesturing for her to have a seat. 

Her eyes cut to mine before she braced her hands on the chair and stood beside me. "Should I explain?" she asked. 

Marshall replied immediately, "Yes."

Anastasia took a breath as she turned to me. "Would you like to do the honors, Mr Rossi?" 

The corner of my mouth twitched in amusement. "It's your idea, Ms Vitalio, please go ahead." 

She faced Marshall again. "There's no denying that we're at the killer's mercy. We don't know enough, and we have no control over when he or she kills again and hosts another grand show. But... what we do have control over is the pool of people the killer has access to." 

There was a beat of silence before a hint of approval washed over Marshall's face. "Continue." 

"What we can try to do is delay the event. So far, every event has taken place on a Saturday night. If we get an invitation out for a different event, we might be able to put it off and delay the murder. It's not guaranteed, but it could buy us some time." 

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