38| Phantom

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Chapter 38: Phantom (Dante's POV)

We left much earlier than we should have, only to return later with backup, despite Ethan still missing. A sinking feeling settled into the pits of my stomach the moment Anastasia and I entered that basement, and my instincts were screaming at me to get us out of there, so I did. 

I couldn't decipher what haunted me more, being back in that dingy old basement where my entire life took a turn for the worst or seeing Anastasia painted on practically every canvas until not an inch of space in that room was left untouched by the ghost of her. It left me feeling uneasy. 

Although Ethan's motives were still unclear, one thing was rather evident; he was completely obsessed with Anastasia. Whether it was a thirst for revenge or lust that was fueling him, he was completely enamored by her. 

It explained why he never tried to do anything to her whenever he met her and why he kept an eye on her. 

The only question still left unanswered was: Why was he killing people? He became a serial killer over the span of a few months, and surely, it wasn't for no reason. None of the victims were connected to him or his dead father. 

Was it just... a publicity stunt? To get Anastasia's attention? 

An exhausted sigh escaped Anastasia as we entered our hotel room for the night, and while I flicked the lights on, she collapsed on the bed. Locking the door behind me for good measure, I walked ahead and dropped to sit beside her. 

She came up a second later and looked me straight in the eye. "Dante," she said, "I don't think we have any idea what we're doing anymore." 

I held her gaze while twirling the keycard between my fingertips. 

"This..." she groaned in frustration as she shook her head. "This whole case has unraveled, and we just can't seem to get it under control. 

"Too many people have died, and every time it feels like we're getting closer to solving it, we hit a dead-end. I've never dealt with something like this before. It's exhausting me." 

"I know it's tough," I told her, "but we're so close, Anastasia. We have to push through. Every killer leaves incriminating evidence behind sooner or later. It's just a matter of time before we catch him." 

"Do you think he wants to be caught?" 

"No killer wants to be caught, Mia Cara." 

She sighed again, "I don't know... I have a feeling he might." 

It dawned on me as she began to pace before my eyes. "No," I said slowly, "surely you're not thinking of talking him into surrendering." 

"Why not? It could work. That is if we get our fucking hands on him." 

"There is no way in hell I'm leaving you alone with him even for a second," I breathed out. "It's too dangerous." 

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