7| Madman

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Chapter 7: Madman (Anastasia's POV)

Not a single person had the courage to walk back into that room after running out of it. Most of the guests had already left, desperate to get away from that place, and only a handful of people lingered outside, mostly government officials and federal agents. Some guests and some here to investigate. 

I'd worked on numerous cases, even the most brutal ones, but I never felt my blood run cold the way it did tonight. 

The police and agents were scattered all around the place, searching the crime scene for even the smallest of clues. They hadn't even found out who the host was and who invited all of us to the opening. It wasn't too hard to believe that whoever it was invited everybody with the intention of putting on a show, and that final piece was the reason he or she wanted such a grand audience. 

"Anastasia," Marshall said, approaching me. "You should go home." 

I glanced at the officers behind him. "Are they questioning everyone else too?" 

He nodded in response. "It's highly likely that you'll be asked to work on this case at some point, being one of the few agents who were invited," he explained. 

"Isn't that against protocol? I'm here at the crime scene." 

"Anastasia," he sighed in exasperation, "please, go home. I'm already worried enough as it is. This case is the last thing I want you around, but our options are limited. We don't have a lot of agents who can work on such a high-profile case." 

Not wanting to argue with him, I glanced at the crowd. "Where's Scott?" I asked. 

"He left. They finished questioning him." 

"He drove me here," I said, a soft groan escaping me as I threw my head back and stared at the sky. "Is there any chance you can drive me home?" I asked. 

He exhaled softly, "I'm afraid I'll be here for a few more hours with the authorities." His eyes scanned the crowd before rounding back to mine and then slowly drifting to someone behind me. 

Hesitantly, I turned to look over my shoulder. Dante stood further back, a lit cigarette hanging between his fingers as he tapped off the ash. I quickly spun back around to face Marshall. "Marshall, please no." 

"It's the safest option right now," he said, resting a hand on my shoulder. 

"I can get home by myself," I argued.

"After what we've seen tonight, you know better. I'm not letting you go anywhere alone," he said to me sternly. "Ask him to take you home." 

"But I—" 

"Or I will, Anastasia." He was called back by one of the police officers before I could argue. 

My jaw clenched as I ground my teeth and spun around to face him. My eyes narrowed on him. 

He looked so calm and composed even in a mortifying situation like this. Casually standing in a corner and smoking a cigarette without a care in the world. Letting out a breath, I reluctantly dragged my feet forward and approached him. 

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