11| Fight

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Chapter 11: Fight (Anastasia's POV)

I was under the misconception that I could keep my patience when it came to Dante Rossi. Today certainly proved me wrong. He was unreasonable, rigid, and so incredibly difficult that I truly believed working on this case was going to be impossible. 

We never got along in the first place, but after everything that happened in the past, things were now ten times worse. Clearly, Dante was having a harder time leaving the past where it belonged, in the past. 

It took every ounce of me to put things behind me, be mature, and work with him like two adults should. But today's events threw all that out the window. 

Grabbing the duffel bag out of my passenger seat, I got out of the car and walked into Judas, stopping to greet Mr Eliot. "Hello," I sighed, dropping an arm on the table as I signed my name on the register. 

"You've just walked in, and you're already sighing," he mused. 

I swear to God, the amount of times I've sighed since I met Dante again is ridiculous. 

"It can't be helped, Mr Eliot. Some people bring that out of me," I told him. "Is Ronan here?" 

"You've come to train at nine in the evening?" he asked. 

"I need to blow off some steam. Ronan just happens to be my favorite punching bag," I smiled. 

He chuckled, "He should still be in the kickboxing room. But he might be packing up to leave." 

"Thanks," I said, heading straight for the room. Pushing the door open, I walked in and, as expected, found Ronan packing his belongings, sitting on the first bench. 

As soon as he looked at me, he began shaking his head. "No, Anastasia. Absolutely not." 

"Come on," I groaned. 

"I'm going home," he said, emphasizing each word. 

"Only an hour," I bargained. 

A dry laugh escaped him, "I've been training you for a year now, it never ends with you." 

I dropped my bag beside his and stood before him. "I desperately need to blow off some steam, Ronan." 

"There are other ways. Go do some cardio." 

"I hate cardio." 

His eyes twinkled with amusement as he glanced up at me. "That's not the kind of cardio I meant," he smirked. 

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, lightly nudging his foot with my own. "Come on. I won't take too long." 

"I really have to get home, Ana." 

"Is your wife waiting?" I teased. 

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