27| Guilty

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I changed the chapter name.

Chapter 27: Guilty (Anastasia's POV)

Our clothes were a mess as we tore them off of each other, discarding them wherever we could while making our way through the foyer and toward the staircase that led up to my room. 

A faint growl reached our ears as I felt Dante's hands travel from my knees up to my thighs as he hoisted me up, bringing my legs around his waist. I paused for a moment, amusement etched into my features as I found Kenji guarding the top of the stairs. 

"God, he really doesn't like you," I said, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to crawl out my throat as his teeth grazed my neck between hot and slow kisses. "It's understandable," I forced out breathlessly, "I don't like you either." 

He paused halfway up the stairs, drawing back to meet my eyes. "Try telling me that when you're coming on my tongue, Anastasia." 

I lifted a brow. "Is that a challenge?" 

"Isn't that what you want it to be?" he mused, heading upstairs carefully. 

"Why are you answering my question with a question?" I asked, suppressing a small smile as I leaned forward, brushing a soft kiss against his lips before my mouth trailed down. Placing kisses along his jaw, then down his neck, I relished in the small groan he let out. I loved hearing him. 

"Is that what I'm doing?" he asked. I could practically hear his smirk. 

My teeth grazed his earlobe before I gently bit down as he pushed past my bedroom door. 

"You bite, Mia Cara," he teased, easing me down on the bed. 

A frustrated groan poured out of me as my back hit the mattress. "God, shut up and fuck me, Dante." My back arched off the bed as I lifted my hips, allowing him to slide my panties down my legs. 

Softly sighing, he leaned forward, bracing his arms on either side of me. "Always so eager," he said, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. "Always in such a rush," he whispered, his lips brushing across my collarbone. "Patience, Anastasia," he told me, holding himself up as he met my gaze. 

A shaky breath left me as I stared back at him. 

We were way beyond denying ourselves what we craved. I realized after the night in my office that there was never just one time with Dante because he was like an aphrodisiac. Once I got a taste of him, I wanted it again, and I wanted more each time. Playing that game would only make everything harder for me, and I didn't enjoy denying my body what it wanted. 

However, one thing was very clear in my head: it was all just a game we liked to play. There were no emotions involved, none but carnal desire. Dante couldn't have my heart, I'd never give it to him because it was simply too big of a risk. 

"I like to take my time with you," he whispered, trailing his hand down my chest, between my breasts, along my stomach as I sucked in a breath, then stopping at my hips. Leisurely, his fingers traveled back up my side and around me, finding the clasp of my bra and unhooking it, teasing the straps down my shoulders. "I like going slow," he continued, "I like the way it makes you beg... the way it makes your body beg." 

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