40| Vanished

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Chapter 40: Vanished (Dante's POV)

"Dante," Anastasia said. 

"Anastasia," I mocked, closing the distance between us with one last step. I leaned forward as she held my gaze, bracing my hands on the desk behind her. 

"You know," she began, "I'm starting to think you come here every day because you love my office so much." 

"No," I replied with a shake of my head. 

"No?" she mused, shaking her head with me teasingly. 

"No," I chuckled, leaning in. As my lips grazed her neck, she eased me away with a palm on my chest. I let out a quiet sigh. "Not your office," I said, "only you." 

"Oh?" she asked, smugly lifting a brow at me as she loosely rested her arms around my neck. 

"Oh," I echoed, grinning down at her. 

When a smile finally graced her lips, and she allowed me, I leaned in to kiss her. She laughed softly into the kiss as I wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her onto her office desk. A soft moan escaped her lips, muffled into our kiss. But the moment it fucking did, the sound of her door opening cut through the room, shattering our moment. 

We both pulled away frantically as Anastasia hopped off the desk and straightened her dress, turning to face the door while I reluctantly loosened my hold on her lips, standing behind her. "Marshall," Anastasia cleared her throat. 

Without wasting a beat, once he realized what he walked in on, he spun back around and walked right back out. "In my office!" he called out over his shoulder. "Both of you!" 

A minute passed before Anastasia turned to me once again. "You get me in so much trouble, Mr Rossi," she sighed, leaning into me. With a chaste kiss, she began walking out. "Come on." 

I trailed behind her with one hand still locked in hers, even as we entered Marshall's office. 

"Dante," he said almost immediately, "is there a reason you're still in this office?" 

Three weeks. Three weeks had passed since our last update on the case; since then, I'd lost all contact with Ethan. He'd promised to find us when the time was right, but after weeks of radio silence, our chances of catching him were bleak. 

With cases piling up for Anastasia to take, we had no choice but to formally close the case now that it had run cold. We could only assume that Ethan had run off, but far too many resources had been devoted to that case for several months, and the FBI couldn't afford to waste any more manpower. 

"I'm well aware that you've officially closed our case in the system, Marshall," I told him. "In fact, I'm the only agent still working on it. Unfortunately for you and..." I glanced at Anastasia, giving her a little tug and bringing her closer to me. "Fortunately for me, the files and evidence are all still stored here. I'm afraid I'll be a regular visitor. You should get used to it." 

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