5| Trust

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Chapter 5: Trust (Anastasia's POV)

I noticed the looks exchanged between Amara and Rose as they glanced out the window and spotted Dante. With one glance at each other, they both turned to me with similar expressions. 

Rose cleared her throat and stared at me expectantly while Amara eyed me with suspicion. "Are you never going to tell us what happened between you two?" Amara questioned. 

"There's nothing to tell," I shrugged in response, "we worked together, or we worked against each other. He went rogue before a mission we were supposed to do together." 

"What did he do?" Rose asked. "All I've heard are rumors." 

I felt uneasy throughout my entire body, so I didn't think twice before changing the topic. "Where's Aurora?" I asked Amara. "I haven't seen her in a while. She hardly joins us." 

"She's in Milan," she answered, "she went to meet a client." 

I blinked in confusion. "But she just got back a week ago." 

"She's running." 

"From?" Rose asked. 

"Cal," Amara guessed with uncertainty. "Her Dad's pushing it." 

I wasn't as close to Aurora as I was to Amara and Rose, and I didn't know her well enough to gather much about her current situation, so I didn't press for more answers. My gaze drifted to the watch on my wrist. "I think I might have to leave," I told them, "I have to get to work." 

"Let's get the bill," Rose said, lifting her hand to catch a waiter's attention. Once we split it, the three of us gathered our things and left. 

Slipping into the car, I buckled myself in and began driving to the FBI headquarters, down to Federal Plaza. After about twenty minutes, I parked the car, grabbed my purse and ID, and entered the building, passing through security and swiping my ID to get through to the elevators. 

"Morning, An."

"Morning," I replied with a small smile, heading to my office, which was located at the end of the hallway. After a few minutes, just when I was settling into the flow of things, the phone rang. I answered it, the cord stretching to accommodate me as I slid my chair back to grab a file. "Hello," I said, holding the phone between my shoulder and ear. 

"Anastasia, can you come to my office, please?" Marshall asked. 

"Be right there," I replied, setting the phone down and tossing the file on my desk before walking out and crossing the hall to enter Marshall's private office with a knock on the door. "Hi," I greeted Marshall. "What can I do?" 

He announced, "After an incredibly long time, we have new agents coming in. They'll be joining us at the headquarters here. I want you to guide them." I nodded slowly in understanding. "Show them the ropes," Marshall continued, "starting with nothing but paperwork, just how I started, how you started..." He paused for a beat. 

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