16| Mesmerized

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Chapter 16: Mesmerized (Dante's POV)

I swear to God, I hadn't planned on going anywhere that night. My entire day went into wrapping up deals with other clients so I could set everything aside and solely focus on the case. 

But then Tristan called and... 

"What do you want?" I asked immediately after answering the phone. 

He laughed softly, "Why do you always assume I want something from you?" 

"Because you do. Mostly, information. Sometimes, you need help burying a body. Other times it's killing someone with you or for you. Last time, it was kidnapping. Do you need me to go on?" I set my empty coffee cup in the sink and turned around to head into the living room. 

"You make me sound like such an awful friend. I just called to check up on you, Dante." 

"Aw," I said dryly, "still worried about me, honey?" 

I heard him huff in annoyance. "You know what, forget I called." 

I bit back a snort and settled down on the couch. 

"Oh, before I hang up," he paused. 

"There it is," I taunted, "what do you want, Harper?" 

"Actually, I think it's something you might want, Dante." 

My right brow twitched up. "I'm intrigued," I said. 

"Any clue where Anastasia Vitalio may be tonight?" 

I paused, resting my head on the back of the couch. "Why are you bringing her up?" 

"I just saw her at The Dove. Amara went for a girls' night, I ended up there for a meeting." 

"Hmm, you coincidentally had a meeting where your girlfriend went out partying? Do you have no shame? You're stalking her." 

"I'm keeping an eye on her for her own safety. It's a healthy agreement, Dante. Consent is important, you see. I stalk her, and she lets me." 

I snorted, "Really healthy." 

"She knows it's out of concern, all right? I thought you might want to know where Anastasia might be." 

"And why would I care?" 

He paused for a beat. "Then... I guess you don't. I'll hang up then." 

"Mm-hmm," I mumbled, staring ahead. 

"Goodnight, honey," he teased, hanging up. 

I let out a strained breath as I set my phone down and sat upright. 

One... two... three... 

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