4| Motive

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Chapter 4: Motive (Dante's POV)

Once Anastasia saw me, I knew I couldn't stay at the party much longer. I decided to attend that night not with the purpose of diving back into that world head-first but with the intention of scanning my surroundings so I was more prepared for the next time. 

Anastasia wasn't one to announce anything; she didn't like the spotlight any more than I did, but despite that, it was in my best interest to get out of there before someone else saw me. Perhaps I underestimated her, though, because shortly after I reached back home, my phone rang, and his name flashed on the screen for the first time in a year. 

"Anastasia," I mumbled under my breath, staring at my phone as it rang incessantly. "What a wicked little snitch." Letting out a huff, I answered the phone but remained silent for the first few beats. 

"I'm surprised you answered, Dante," Marshall said. "I learned over the past year just how good you could be at dodging calls." 

My jaw ticked as I entered my bedroom. "It was never anything personal, Marshall." 

"Good. Then you shouldn't have a problem meeting me now that you're back on the field. Tomorrow, come to Nova at noon. Let's talk over lunch." 

"You're too used to giving orders and having your agents obey them, no questions asked. But let me remind you, I don't work for you anymore." 

"Are you scared?" he scoffed. 

An amused smile tugged at my lips. "That game doesn't work on me, and you know it. Tell me why you want to see me, and I'll consider it." 

"I have some questions for you. None about the past... It's been a year, I think it's time we see each other again, don't you?" 

Pausing, I opened my closet and walked to the island unit in the center, opening the first drawer. "All right, Marshall. I'll see you tomorrow for lunch," I agreed. It may not have been the best idea, considering that the last time I saw him, he wanted to arrest me but, due to a lack of evidence, failed. 

After hanging up and setting my phone down, I took my cufflinks off and tucked them into the drawer. Opening the second drawer, I slid off my watch and then my ring before shrugging my clothes off, trading them for a simple black v-neck and a pair of sweatpants. After freshening up, I went straight to bed, but for the first hour or so, tonight played on a loop in my mind. 

For the first few hours, no one had noticed the mezzanine balcony at all, let alone me up there. I slipped into the hall early on, and once I saw the balcony, headed straight upstairs, knowing it would be the perfect place to stay unseen but have a clear view of the hall myself. 

When Anastasia reached upstairs, I knew it was her the moment my gaze landed on her. Despite not seeing her face, something told me it was her. Whether it was the way she walked with a light sway in her hips, the way her spine remained steeled and strong, or the faintest beauty marks scattered across her shoulders, I knew it was her. 

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