31| Movie

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Chapter 31: Movie (Anastasia's POV)

Nothing prepared me for the sight of Dante when I woke up the next morning. I felt his soft morning kisses slowly trail from my neck to my shoulder and down my arm before I even opened my eyes. 

Stirring lightly, I mumbled through a tiny grin, "What are you doing?" 

"Hmm?" he hummed against my skin, his lips brushing against my ear. 

I couldn't help but shift slightly as a laugh crawled up my throat. "That tickles," I chuckled, finally opening my eyes. 

He stopped with one final lingering kiss and rested his chin on my shoulder. 

Taking a breath, I took his free hand that rested on my hip and began lightly tracing his knuckles. "We have to go to work," I reminded him. 

A part of me was a little scared that those words would shatter whatever magical spell had created this reality around us, but to my surprise, he hardly seemed bothered by it. 

"I think we can take our time this morning, Ms Vitalio," he replied, turning onto his back as I flipped over to face him. "We have all the time in the world." 

I lifted my brows slightly. "Do we really?" With the case on our hands and the circumstances we faced last night, I highly doubted that. 

Blinking slowly, he lifted a hand to tuck my hair behind my ear. "One day, we truly will." 

I hummed in agreement. "Unfortunately, that day isn't today, is it?" 

"No," he mumbled, staring at me. 

Last night, we'd crossed a line we'd been dancing on the edge of for what felt like an eternity. We agreed to finally give in and let each other into our lives despite knowing that once we did, we would be far too deeply entangled with each other to walk away. It would be a lie if I said I wasn't doubtful. 

With our pasts looming over us like dark clouds, falling deeper into each other came with its own risks, but because it was Dante, those risks were worth it. It was a gamble I was willing to make. I was adamant that no matter how dark, Dante's past wasn't going to drive me away from him. 

Although I wasn't sure if he would feel the same after truly knowing me, I hoped and trusted him enough to give it my all. I didn't want to hide any parts of myself from him because he was the one person who truly made me feel seen and heard without judgment clouding his vision. All I could do was hope my past wouldn't taint that. 

Pushing up onto my elbow, I scooted a little closer to him. "We have a long day ahead of us. Should we get started?" I asked. 

He shook his head slowly. "Not yet." 

I laughed, "Dante—" 

"Not yet, Anastasia. Just let me lay here with you a little longer." 

My gaze softened, and I felt myself giving in, my resolve crumbling. 

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